Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A barricade of flagstones prised up from the floor had been erected for a final stand and the Collector , snatching a moment to look back towards it , was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it , thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank .
2 Lorryloads of blooms rolled up to the Bel Air mansion where Liz , 60 , lay in bed , surrounded by her doctors .
3 Set on a hilltop , the old town is surrounded by seven rows of ramparts leading up to the bastion and cathedral at the summit .
4 Joe always made sure there were a couple of swings rigged up to the spreaded branches for the children to enjoy .
5 Projects are often unsustainable , as the MOH has to finance the recurrent costs of activities set up by the project after the donor leaves .
6 Is not social work the application of skills picked up in the ‘ University of Life ’ and do we not all know what deprived infants and troublesome adolescents need ?
7 There is another pair of climbers starting up from the same ledge .
8 Each of these in turn subdivided into separate , smaller fibrils which are themselves composed of a highly organized array of myofilaments made up of the proteins actin and myosin ( Fig. 53 ) .
9 On the short mixed ridge leading to this minor training summit , you can view an endless stream of parties coming up from the Grands Montets cablecar station for a taste of a real alpine mountaineering .
10 There was a gang of kids playing up on the embankment , just as Preston and William had , junior hangers-on , rookie spear carriers in the terrible Derek Sumter gang which had once ruled the neighbourhood , so far as was tolerated by the greater power of the nans .
11 A flight of steps leads up from the courtyard and there is entry also from the house end .
12 Looking past Adam , she saw Fand had stopped by another set of steps winding up into the rock .
13 They went round the corner , and the child stopped in front of a flight of steps leading up to a dilapidated house , one of a number in the street .
14 It was market day and the wide curving flight of steps leading up to the centre was lined with flimsy tables covered in kitchenware and watches and clothing and tools and toys Music blared out from a stall selling bootleg cassette tapes .
15 There is an 82-member National Assembly elected by universal adult suffrage for a three-year term from a list of candidates drawn up by the party , based on local branch committee nominations .
16 There is an 82-member National Assembly elected by universal adult suffrage for a three-year term from a list of candidates drawn up by the party , based on local branch committee nominations .
17 ‘ An entire generation of Filipinos grew up in the shadow of dictatorship , ’ wrote Sheila Coronel of the Manila Times .
18 The current crop of presenters lined up on the steps of the same church outside Broadcasting House where the original team — Terry Wogan , Bob Holness , Jimmy Young and all — had posed exactly a quarter of a century before .
19 The banks or organisations that issue them guarantee payment of bills run up by the credit card holder up to a certain limit .
20 And did you ever hear of tensions building up amongst the men ?
21 Again from Criminal Statistics ( 1988 ) we see that there has been an increase in the number of offences cleared up by the police , between 1979 and 1988 of 27.3 per cent ( from 980,700 to 1,248,900 ) .
22 There are a lot of enthusiasts coming up with a lot of good ideas but the information never gets out .
23 A stream of visitors turned up at the camp .
24 A system which has the intelligence to acknowledge that people are more than just a bag of bones dressed up in a birthday suit and that ill-health is not only caused by biological factors , but social , political , economic and environmental ones as well .
25 We had to halt as cartloads of bones dug up from the cemetery were taken down Paternoster Row to the charnel house .
26 For decades afterwards , Francoist supporters denied the carnage which took place in Badajoz , in spite of the overwhelming evidence of contemporary eye-witnesses , who saw hundreds of Republicans rounded up in the municipal bullring , heard the machine guns , and smelled the reek of bodies being burned in the cemetery .
27 In no sense could they be said to be members of industrial co-operatives : that is , of organisations set up for the manufacture of goods or the provision of services and wholly , or very largely , owned and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
28 Graceful spikes of lords-and-ladies pushed up through the earth below white-blossomed blackthorn .
29 I , personally , have the number of days pasted up on the inside of my locker .
30 We 'll certainly be putting firms in touch with others so that they can learn quickly from other experiences as quite a network of firms grew up at the seminar .
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