Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] [adv] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 The plants lumped together under the umbrella name of herbs do not appear at first glance to be essential to maintain life , but it is now becoming apparent that this concept could be wrong , and that herbs are as necessary as oxygen , though the ingredients they contribute , such as minerals and vitamins , may only be found in minute quantities .
2 Strombolian activity , then , is a bit noisier than Hawaiian , but it 's still not particularly dangerous — there are two villages on Stromboli only a couple of kilometres from the ever-active vent , and the inhabitants rarely have cause to worry about whether they will live to see the sun rise on another day , or on another boatload of visitors coming across to look at the volcano .
3 In his sermons the Chaplain of Cadets had only hinted at the existence of terrible ultimate anti-Gods which stalked the warp , seeking to spill through into the cosmos to corrupt precious reality — the antithesis of all that the Emperor stood for ; forces which Marines should pray that they never encountered .
4 On 1 March 1979 , devolution did , indeed , gain a majority amongst the Scottish voters , by 1,240,937 to 1,153,502 , 51.6 per cent to 48.4 per cent , but over 36 per cent of electors did not vote at all .
5 Fred Jarvis of the National Union of Teachers has already hinted at the fundamental difficulty which arises when the professional is set within tightly prescribed guidelines .
6 The sovereignty of consumers has therefore become at best a shared sovereignty .
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