Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] that make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Luke shook his head , his mouth curled into the kind of annoying smile that made her fingers itch to slap it away .
2 He was still looking at her ; appraisingly , with a sort of lazy sensuality that made something inside her twist tight .
3 She wore a fetching , knee-length black dress and a kind of Spanish headdress that made her look a little like a sherry advertisement .
4 ‘ Cake ’ craftily samples Kate Bush and is the sort of subtle start that makes you pant for more .
5 Their feedback-drenched fog makes it almost impossible to discern anything resembling a tune , and each song coasts along for upwards of five minutes — but it 's precisely their avoidance of career-minded polish that makes them so invigorating .
6 He had a sense of humour about him and , I suppose , a kind of lesser quirkiness that made him very natural in the part .
7 in London in , in a sort of clever way that makes it sound as though there 's some terrific good reasoning for it
8 Lindsey stood in the doorway , conscious of a sudden tension in her limbs , a feeling of blind panic that made her want to draw back .
9 He reached for Stone 's arm , but the man jerked away , panic growing , his pallid features quite flushed , now , with the sense of growing desperation that made him behave so urgently .
10 It says : ‘ It is not being beautiful or being born of noble family that makes one a lady .
11 But from his impassive , narrow-eyed face it was impossible to gauge his thoughts ; like many Annamese he had the kind of boyish appearance that made it difficult for an American to estimate his age .
12 In the hunt for both markets and resources , managers invest to create three basic kinds of new advantage that make it more difficult for others to compete .
13 He had the sort of sensitive nose that made him instantly burst into tears if it got the slightest knock .
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