Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [that] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Simone de Beauvoir asserted that ‘ society looks upon old age as a kind of shameful secret that it is unseemly to mention ’ .
2 Brushing your teeth is so much a part of daily routine that it is sometimes easy to forget the importance of doing it properly .
3 Native speakers do not recognise this , but foreign learners of English notice that it is often difficult to hear the unstressed parts of a word in ordinary speech .
4 Moreover , just like racism and sexism , it is so engrained within the structure of social life that it is unlikely to be challenged effectively by rational argument or appeals to the more philanthropic side of human nature .
5 Does not the Secretary of State understand that it is precisely because the TGWU is so committed to effective training and the future expansion of British industry that it is not prepared to give credence to the Government 's sham arrangements ?
6 He has dismissed warnings from the Office of Fine Arts that it is forbidden to deal in State property , quoting the former assistant secretary of state L. de Graaff , who in 1984 stated that the artists were free to do with these works as they wished .
7 It is notable that a quarter of both incontinent and non-incontinent subjects think it is due to a medical condition , a quarter of incontinent women that it is due to childbirth , and a quarter do n't know .
8 It is an integral part of modern culture that it is simply not possible to envisage a model of freedom , including that abstraction needed for the achievement of equality , which would not have as one of its component parts the tendency towards alienation .
9 Each gene is selected for its capacity to cooperate successfully with the population of other genes that it is likely to meet in bodies .
10 In an article in the British Journal of Religious Education in 1989 , Nicola Slee notes that in practice , There is little respect for the claim of religious believers that it is a lifetime 's work to come to know and be possessed by ( note , not to possess ) the truth of even one tradition .
11 In other words , is it possible for a person to know his need , to know that if Christianity is true it provides an answer , to know on the basis of sufficient evidence that it is in fact true , and yet believe inadequately ?
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