Example sentences of "of [art] government [unc] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the following day Deputy Prime Minister Lee Seung Yoon presented details of the government 's plans to combat consumer-price abuses and real estate speculation , including the proposed forced sale of idle land held by the Chaebol .
2 Given that a prime reason for investing in science is to boost the nation 's technological performance , where was the discussion about the implications of the government 's plans to privatise the British Technology Group , the descendant of a body set up by Labour itself in the mid-1960s to perform precisely this task ?
3 EMPLOYMENT Secretary Gillian Shephard was today awarded the title ‘ Scrooge of the Year ’ because of the Government 's plans to abolish wages councils .
4 On Aug. 6 Gerhard Stoltenberg , the German Defence Minister , gave final details of the government 's plans to reduce the German army from its existing strength of 461,000 to 370,000 by the end of 1994 ( as agreed in the " Two-plus-four treaty " on German unification — see pp. 37659 ; 37834 ) .
5 The army 's deployment in the south was part of the government 's attempts to reassert control over the country under the terms of the Arab League-sponsored Taif peace accords [ see pp. 36986 ; 37928 ] .
6 Aspects of the government 's attempts to infuse the welfare state with the spirit of competition and the market-place also ran into difficulties in both education and health .
7 But that is the position which some of the Government 's critics seem now to occupy .
8 But that is the position which some of the Government 's critics seem now to occupy .
9 An immediate outcome of the government 's efforts to implement this programme and raise basic consumer prices was the outbreak of riots in June 1990 which further highlighted the government 's unpopularity .
10 Some of the Government 's changes have been for the better .
11 On the school 's noticeboard , religious notices have been taken over by election literature and copies of the government 's exhortations to take part in today 's vote for parliament as a ‘ religious and political duty ’ .
12 The plan involved a 15 per cent consumption tax , extensive privatization of state enterprises , cuts in social welfare spending , the stimulation of investment and an end to the " cronyism " with which so many of the government 's appointments had been tainted .
13 Therefore , many of the Government 's intiatives using those funds suggest ways in which energy consumers can save energy .
14 It is to be regretted that many of the Government 's measures relating to its asylum policy introduced in the past few years , have been to discourage new arrivals .
15 IRELAND 'S Roman Catholic Church leaders yesterday pointed to what they called the flaws in the wording of the government 's referenda attempts to change the law forbidding abortion in any circumstances .
16 In an interview in the Washington Post of Aug. 21 , Gerashchenko criticized the plans agreed with the IMF and said that some of the government 's statements sounded like a fairy tale .
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