Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] [verb] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the members have been to the shop since then .
2 Most of the readings taken were with exposures corresponding to a reasonably representative image as displayed on the monitor screen .
3 Half of the farms visited were in the Peak District and were predominantly livestock-with-grass holdings .
4 Most of the fossils recovered are of wholly or partly aquatic amphibians , the sort that were easily preserved in the coal swamps that were characteristic of the Carboniferous non-marine environment .
5 Some of the claims have been on the basis of debatable information , and all have been highly selective and have only drawn attention to the adverse elements of research whilst ignoring much encouraging , positive information .
6 Several of the deals had been with Bill Coleby : ‘ Got 2/6 off Coleby for Yugoslav note worth 1s ’ was one which Peter did not remember .
7 All of the youths studied were in their last year of school , and all were going to leave at the minimum school leaving age ( Corrigan , 1979 ) .
8 Some of the prisoners had been to parties in the German Kommandantur .
9 Most of the radionuclides released are of local or regional concern , because their half-lives are short compared with the time required for dispersion to greater distances .
10 Many of the refugees have been on the move for several years .
11 He had previously appointed me as an examining chaplain , as most of the duties involved were in connection with the ordination of European clergy .
12 An anonymous writer to the Scottish Typographical Circular in 1904 pointed out that " some of the females have been at the trade since 1872 [ over thirty years ] and were grown-up young women when they started " , so they would more or less count as " veterans " . "
13 Yet , although the excavations began in 1967 and about half of the paintings have been on exhibition in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens since the early 1970s , the other half have been neither exhibited nor published .
14 Last month Amnesty International called for all charges against him to be withdrawn and concluded : ‘ At every stage the behaviour of the authorities has been in open defiance of the authority of the courts and the rule of law . ’
15 One of the students has been in prison and the council has been told it is unlikely that his overpayment can be recovered .
16 You-find that some of the hearties are doing the pilgrimage for the first time , and begin to limp quite early on ; , that some of the weeds have been on the pilgrimage once or even twice before — and finished .
17 This covers sales to the fields of business , industry , and education and training organisations , and many of the programmes sold are in the science documentary area .
18 But many of the studies have been on non-diabetic subjects and the hypoglycaemic stimulus was not always identical .
19 As it was , the chantry duties of the guilds had been in steady decline since the early fifteenth century , so that by 1547 the majority had for many years been looked upon as burial societies .
20 Ten of the fields sampled were in the notorious Peldon area .
21 The struggle for most of the centres has been for funds .
22 Most of the executions have been in the old South .
23 Two-thirds of the marriages investigated were in danger at some point because of sexual dissatisfaction .
24 Is it not a fact that most of the jobs lost have been in industries belonging to the last century and that most of the jobs gained are in industries with a bright future ?
25 Some of the items arriving are in connection with the old LNWR and GWR companies .
26 Yet many of the children had been in bookshops and knew them not to be so .
27 In the early stages many of the children had been in residential care for periods of years , had little or no contact with members of the natural family and had lost all serious hope of returning there .
28 approximately twenty-five per cent of the children evacuated were in such a filthy condition that they had to be specially treated .
29 In order to try and give the market some confidence the government organised a temporary ‘ buy-back ’ scheme , which provided , in effect , a minimum support price for the shares ( only 2 per cent of the shares issued were in fact returned ) .
30 Most of the pupils participating were in the fourth year , but some third years were also included in the last round of testing .
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