Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [verb] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The Forest of Dean covers an area of 27,000 acres .
2 Members of MoneySavers gain the privileges of * Priority Booking — up to two weeks in advance of public booking * The Playhouse " What 's On " brochure sent direct to you in advance of public distribution * Free membership of The Stage Door Club and most important of all * Two seats for the price of one on most Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Main House and for many first nights in the Studio Theatre .
3 Bishop Forck of Berlin-Brandenburg gave an account of his negotiations with the Mayor of Berlin at the beginning of the week .
4 He was aware of Marcus watching the work of transformation .
5 ‘ The old Mond Division of ICI did a lot of research-led work .
6 The expansion of Brighton provided a number of new churches but they depended for the clergy 's livelihood on rented pews and the poor were virtually excluded .
7 In her first traditional Christmas speech recorded at Sandringham , she said the peace and tranquility of Norfolk brought a sense of continuity to her family life .
8 The Earl of March resigned the office of Earl Marshal , which was conferred upon Henry Percy of Alnwick .
9 The ghost of the Duke of Windsor haunted the minds of the family , patently aware that the older he became the more difficult it would be to find a virginal , Protestant aristocrat to be his bride .
10 Macmillan astutely side-stepped the opposition by appointing General ‘ Pug ’ Ismay , Churchill 's wartime Chief Staff Officer , and General Ian Jacob , who had been one of his deputies and then Director-General of the BBC , to use their acknowledged experience of the workings of Whitehall to produce a blueprint of the most practicable way of bringing the three Service ministries together into a single Ministry of Defence .
11 The concluding section of this chapter draws upon the experience of all four sample schools and on the perceptions of DCSLs to summarise the impact of the project upon Minor award schools .
12 Here in 1692 the Campbells of Glenlyon slaughtered the Macdonalds of Glencoe , ostensibly under the orders of William III .
13 A group of Blackshirts vandalized the offices of the British United Fascists in Kensington in 1933 ; in 1936 Blackshirts in Liverpool assaulted the Social Credit Greenshirts with knuckledusters at their headquarters ; and William Joyce 's Nationalist Socialist League was also subject to disruption by Blackshirts after he left the BUF in 1937 .
14 The maleos of Sulawesi have a number of natural predators .
15 Is de Man now going to tell us that his liberal construal of Rousseau carries the authority of objective validity ?
16 Make- up artists are brought in to transform the faces of these girls ; their hands are slapped away from beige foundation , and the sleek colours of Chanel bring the glow of affluent youth to faces that have for more than twenty years caused most men to avert their gazes in dismay .
17 A key issue in debates on the constitutional structure of Czechoslovakia concerned the status of Moravia-Silesia ( currently part of the Czech Lands — see map ) .
18 The unification of Germany protected the lifestyle of the Prussian Junkers — indeed , the Junkers ' need to protect themselves and their lifestyle from the disrupting effects of outside economic competition through the creation and extension of a tariff union had been one of the major components in the formation of the German state .
19 Some of the princes of Germany doubted the validity of the election on the grounds that Frederick had not been baptized at the time and he had only been elected , they said , out of fear for his father .
20 Hitler was able to offer them a new mass base for the apparent consolidation of their leadership positions within the framework of an authoritarian system , together with the prospect of Germany attaining a position of hegemony within Europe and even world power status .
21 The presbyterie taking the heignanseness of the crime in their consideration doe in odium fanti at terrorum allis appoint Mr. David Sympson his parish minister publickly to rebuke him for it before the congregation and then to take occasion to admonish the people against the evil of such practices and they recommend to the Baillie of Ila to put the acts of parliament against charmers in execution .
22 The presbyterie taking the heignanseness of the crime in their consideration doe in odium fanti at terrorum allis appoint Mr. David Sympson his parish minister publickly to rebuke him for it before the congregation and then to take occasion to admonish the people against the evil of such practices and they recommend to the Baillie of Ila to put the acts of parliament against charmers in execution .
23 The mercenary captain John of Hainault brought a force of 500 men-at-arms from the Low Countries , and at York they became involved in a violent affray with a band of archers from Lincolnshire , which culminated in the deaths of a sizeable number of the Lincolnshire men .
24 The Group asked the members of the public to sign letters to the President of Syria requesting the release of Yuris-al-Hayik , their adopted prisoner .
25 Yet it is not altogether inapt that the Hymn of Riego became the anthem of liberalism .
26 The theology of Paracelsus celebrated the mercy of a God who had granted the human mind sufficient illumination to cultivate nature and to extract those gifts necessary for subsistence .
27 Concern to spread any benefits of reform more evenly across the economy was also evident at the beginning of 1990 , when the Bank of Indonesia restricted the availability of credit in an attempt to reduce inflationary pressure .
28 The People 's Republic of Angola achieved full independence from Portugal in November 1975 , the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola becoming the party of government ; this was restructured in 1977 as a Marxist-Leninist vanguard party , the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola — Workers ' Party ( Movimento Popular de Libertaçao de Angola-Partido do Trabalho — MPLA-PT ) .
29 But it was only a momentary diversion , and the couple hastened up river in the steamer , William I , to the town of Maitland to await the arrival of the bullock carts from Yarrundi .
30 Topography The Department of Geography of the University of Keele has a collection of air photographs , which are the property of the Public Record Office .
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