Example sentences of "of [noun sg] was [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While we 're at it , and since the Teesdale village of Woodland was in the news on Monday , why is the most prominent of its two pubs called The Edge ?
2 I could hear boulders grinding on the river bed and the grumble of thunder was like the sound of distant gunfire .
3 The most recent of course was within the memory of many of today 's crews and supporters , the loss of The Dutchess of Kent in January 1970 with just one survivor from her crew of six .
4 THE WHIFF of intrigue was in the air at Twerton Park .
5 The Court of Appeal ruled that outside s.2(1) the question of dishonesty was for the jury applying " the current standards of ordinary decent people " .
6 Already she could see their faces , the faces of the fucking bloody middle class , when the subject of money was on the agenda .
7 The Victorian worship of money was on the wax , and houses were an outward expression of what you were worth and how fashionable was your taste .
8 The revival of industry was at the heart of Mr Lamont 's Autumn Statement .
9 It is not easy to reach a general conclusion on how valuable the process of appraisal was in the school as a whole .
10 In the ninth and tenth centuries the financial aspect of feudalism was on the whole less important than the military .
11 He agreed that a regrettable lack of foresight was at the root of it , but he felt that there were extenuating circumstances , and he seemed resolved to do something about it , in so far as he could .
12 However , there seems no doubt that slavery as a mode of exploitation was on the decline in Latin America , even before it was abolished , and that the economic case against this form of labour appeared increasingly strong after 1850 .
13 Another initial area of disagreement was over the casting of Susan George as his wife Amy .
14 The concept of flexibility was at the centre of debates surrounding economic restructuring throughout the 1980s .
15 The greatest continuity of ownership was in the Rothermere Associated Newspapers combine and the smaller and narrower Pearson/Westminster group .
16 But the weight of opinion was on the side of the man closest to the throne , murderous and oppressive or not .
17 Although there were some reservations of this kind in both industry and the institutions the balance of opinion was with the sandwich course , and within the Committee for Science and Technology and its boards the commitment to sandwich courses remained strong .
18 David Curry , Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries & Food , concluded that the balance of opinion was against the regulation and significant amendments would have to be made to the proposal to make it acceptable .
19 There is a rough division between east and west which became apparent in Peter Webster 's study of Severn Valley wares found on the Wall ( 1972 ) , for , although there is not a great quantity it has a definite western bias , which suggests that the means of transport was by the sea .
20 A different kind of continuity was in the nature of news .
21 This type of guarantee was in the past commonly created by the manufacturer supplying with the goods a reply paid postcard which the purchaser was asked to fill in and post , thereby accepting its terms .
22 The Association 's choice of name was from the outset controversial .
23 Can you tell us what breed of dog was in the picture ?
24 Thus , in the actual case their Lordships held that although the Minister had to adduce evidence that the decision to ban national unions at G.C.H.Q. was based on considerations of national security , the question of whether such considerations outweighed the prima facie duty of fairness was for the Minister himself to decide .
25 But in the meantime another form of recording was on the way — ‘ digital recording ’ .
26 The other cause of the present crisis was Ben , a man of few principles , whose only view of life was through the bottom of a tankard , riddled as he was with guilt and arrogance .
27 The most important application of copper was in the cladding of wooden ships , until it was realised that the iron bolts also used corroded rapidly ( galvanic reaction doubtless ) and in doing so affected the timbering , causing the loss of many important vessels .
28 At first , the major focus of concern was over the possibility of technological unemployment .
29 The Conservative government 's 1988 housing reforms contained several proposals aimed at rejuvenating the private rented sector , after the years in which the promotion of home-ownership was at the forefront of housing policy .
30 The Court of Appeal unanimously held that the time of delivery was of the essence of this contract , but that this stipulation was waived by the defendant 's requests for delivery after the due date which would have estopped him had there been delivery within the extended time .
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