Example sentences of "of [noun sg] and do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We hope that the Government will listen reasonably to them , because they have been tabled in a reasonable frame of mind and do not make party political points .
2 The plaintiff 's accountant Mr confines himself to quantifying the heads of loss and does n't speak with reference to the er allegations that are made in any way .
3 This takes a bit of practice and does not work well if you hands tend to be on the clammy side !
4 She kept rabbits in a hutch in the back garden behind the rows of cabbages and the clump of rhubarb and did not mind at all that in winter she had to wash at night in a bowl set on a sheet of brown paper in front of the living room fire because there was no heater in the bathroom .
5 Because a horse has got plenty of blood and does n't miss a bit of blood drained off and then returned .
6 I , like many other married women , hope to achieve some kind of independence and do n't want to rely on my husband for everything all the time .
7 This will only occur if the client stays with the experience of anxiety and does not avoid the situation .
8 We 'd have got away with it if we had noticed that the polystyrene tiles had slipped out of alignment — but having shifted dozens of tanks around we made the fatal error of complacency and did n't check the underlay .
9 One , the non-contributory invalidity pension , is paid for those who are incapable of work and do not qualify for a contributory pension .
10 Benefits ( in £ per week ) Disablement pension Reduced earnings allowance Invalidity pension : Basic Invalidity allowance Retirement pension Attendance allowance Exceptionally severe disablement allowance Mobility allowance TOTAL Notes : The figures refer only to benefits paid as of right and do not include means-tested benefits .
11 MacArthur was dedicated to the extirpation of militarism and did not favour the development of defence forces .
12 We respect your status as a prisoner of war and do n't ask you for military information …
13 He remembered little about the fires because he was under the influence of drink and did not realise what he was doing .
14 ‘ We do not need that kind of publicity and do not want to be involved in that sort of thing .
15 A new concept that does n't depend on recognition , does n't depend of check-off and does n't depend on representation by shop stewards in every workplace .
16 The high society platinum beauty brought up in a secluded hot-house may look a million dollars on the show stand , but is all too liable to fall flat on her face at the first pinprick of adversity and does not stand a chance unless she is cocooned in protective sprays .
17 That is , they keep to their own area of fell and do n't wander .
18 Yet most environmental groups are not currently plugged into existing sources of advice and do not have a tradition of working together .
19 Such parents allow children to regulate their own activities as much as possible ; avoid the exercise of control and do not encourage their children to obey externally defined standards .
20 In Emma Hotels v. Secretary of State for the Environment [ 1980 ] 258 EG 64 ( QBD ) , it was held in identical circumstances that the operation of a non-residents ' bar was not a material change of use and did not require planning permission .
21 The man had nerves of steel and did n't need anyone 's good wishes .
22 Portakabins are made of steel and do not burn .
23 Claiming on an ex-husband 's contributions is a matter of bookkeeping and does n't reduce his pension , and can be done confidentially .
24 ‘ We were the first to consider the social implications of planning and did n't want one vast sprawl .
25 Many of these , such as decreased serum concentrations of gonadotropins and steroid sex hormones , alterations to the peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormone , and raised circulating concentrations of cortisol and growth hormone are best regarded as physiological adaptations to the state of starvation and do not require treatment .
26 Her mother , being Jewish , had to keep well out of sight and did n't venture out .
27 However , Asian immigrants had a different , closed way of life and did not blend with traditional working class or East End ways of living .
28 The committees that consider Bills are in no way specialized ; they consider new legislation in rotation regardless of subject and do not do any separate investigatory work .
29 Perhaps he has only met one type of female and does n't realise that a woman can value time alone and is n't forever fretting over her partner 's choice of underwear .
30 They were confident that they were on the winning side of history and did not need to take precautions against exile in the autumn of their lives .
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