Example sentences of "of [noun sg] when he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ALEXANDER Dubcek won world fame as a symbol of hope when he headed the illfated ‘ Prague Spring ’ reform that was crushed by Soviet tanks in August 1968 .
2 However , Moon has a change of heart when he sees the place , and later , after a night spent drinking hallucinatory ayahuasca , parachutes in alone , strips off his clothes , and persuades the Indians to accept him .
3 JOHN Calton was a highly trained paratrooper who turned to a life of crime when he left the Army .
4 Charles Trevelyan , founder of the UDC , spoke for a substantial body of opinion when he moved the resolution in a spirit of revolutionary pacifism : ‘ … the rulers must know that if war comes they will fight with a divided nation .
5 In the second-person sequences , he is addressed by the voice of his subconscious which , speaking in the future tense , takes him back to relive the moments of truth when he made the choices which were to determine what he later became .
6 The King and his courtiers started at the sight of Kabir when he entered the hall .
7 Farmer Chris Slatter was spraying a crop of flax when he made the grim discovery .
8 The council has dispatched nearly 105,000 bills amended to take account of the reduction imposed by the Secretary of State when he capped the council 's expenditure .
9 Tomorrow comes the real test of strength when he faces the giant England pack .
10 Later on in my undergraduate career I was lucky enough to be given some teaching by Dr Douglas Ross , consultant in Glasgow , and had personal experience of the efficacy of homoeopathy when he cured the gingivitis ( inflammation of the gums ) which had been plaguing me for three weeks with a homoeopathic preparation of mercury .
11 CUED UP Joe Johnson gives Fred some tips on the finer points of snooker and ( inset ) a beaming Joe and wife Terryll share the moment of triumph when he won the world title in 1986
12 Gandhi is faithful to the traditions of Hinduism when he affirms the isomorphism of Truth ( Satya ) and Reality ( Sat ) .
13 He was working as a trainee film editor with Ulster Television in Belfast and , like most young men , pursuing an active life of sin when he felt the Lord speaking to him .
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