Example sentences of "of [noun sg] a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a period of chaos a sequence of Agaw monarchs , known as the Zagwe dynasty , established themselves .
2 The muddy or sandy beds and long damp grass make ideal habitat for such birds as dunlin , which are mainly seen in winter , and of course a variety of ducks and geese .
3 It is of course a fact of life that the bankers may seek to renegotiate the vendor 's finance arrangements , particularly if the purchase price will be a significant realisation for the vendor .
4 This is of course a matter of judgment .
5 A slattern brought a small table for Athelstan to rest his writing tray on , and of course a jug of wine and two goblets , though Athelstan shook his head and asked for water .
6 That 's a thing I find that we 're losing very much is all these exclamations and of course a lot of exclamations were calling on a divine hand of God to look after you .
7 Of course a lot of industries today are changing and they do n't have as many people on the shop floor anyway and you have many more people who are systems analysts and people like that .
8 And also of course a lot of crimes that had their that were basically crimes of domestic violence .
9 This means of course a commitment of resources and money .
10 This lease is of course a lease of part of the building and therefore the structure has been excluded .
11 And of course a vote of thanks to FIFA for ensuring the league 's Welsh internationals were able to represent club and country in the same week .
12 Camouflage is of course an adaptation of appearance and colouration , but the most exquisite artistry will be wasted if the animal 's behaviour is not suited to the camouflage .
13 A sense of purpose a sense of involvement a sense of direction a sense of satisfaction and a sense of achievement .
14 I 've seen him outside of football a couple of times — but it just shows there are no friends in the game . ’
15 Still more alarmist about the flow of skills and knowledge into the IT industry from the country 's research base was a committee that reported to the Department of Industry a couple of months ago .
16 er which we stop for er we probably have a cup of tea a couple of times on the way down
17 The ore-treatment plant at the Freda/Rebecca mine is running ahead of design capacity , treating an average of 2,800 tonnes of ore a day in August .
18 On the verge of bankruptcy a couple of years ago , Hannibal was rescued by an American company in a deal which left Boyd in charge as manager of the label .
19 The F4U-7 Corsair used anything from 80 to 100 gallons of fuel an hour at cruise power settings .
20 You may need a lot of confidence a lot of support and you might even need some help looking after your children if they 're quite young .
21 It was , she reflected , exactly the kind of place a high-flier like Luke would choose .
22 To the ice algae are now added open-water species , all proliferating ; from September to January the amount of chlorophyll a present in surface waters climbs rapidly , keeping pace with incoming solar radiation ( El-Sayed , 1971 , 1985 ) .
23 Thus by the outbreak of war a number of questions and problems had forced themselves onto the agendas of middle-class society , and by the end of the war all these factors were resolved into one major consideration : the nature and control of ‘ industrial democracy ’ .
24 So , too , was the odd dandelion seedling that germinated after an airborne invasion of seeds from a patch of wasteland a quarter of mile away .
25 The company launched PowerHouse for the AS/400 in a blaze of publicity a couple of years ago , but has encountered problems that will be familiar to many software companies attempting to break into this market .
26 On these items of behaviour a structure for behaviour is developed , with norms as the foundations .
27 Following the talks a joint communiqué reiterated both governments ' adherence to the protocol signed in Damascus in August 1987 , and in addition Turkey committed itself to releasing more than the current 500 cubic metres of water a second to Syria .
28 There is now a glimmer of hope … this is the first reasonable amount of water a pond in Blewberry has had for at least two years .
29 " We estimate that a typical child would have to eat a tonne of chocolate a week for life to exceed the safe dose , " said the alliance 's spokesman .
30 Within any machine code program it is often necessary to repeat a section of code a number of times and this can become quite tedious .
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