Example sentences of "of [noun sg] and they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 of course and they always wanted
2 A sharp word of command and they immediately sat down and waited as their mistress opened the car door .
3 Models , like photographers , specialise in certain types of work and they usually have portfolios to show off how they look in a variety of poses .
4 Training will have made dancers more adept at a certain style of dance and they usually show preference fur a certain type of step : elevation , pointe work , pirouettes or whatever .
5 But they won a fair fight and they took a tremendous lot of trouble and they really did a very good campaign , there 's no question about that at all .
6 But , for the children there was a lot of sadness and they desperately wanted , as I think all , most children of divorced do , to keep in touch with both parents and right from the beginning of a separation .
7 At no other time has he had hallucinations of sight and they entirely disappeared after sleeping .
8 Dykes are vertically discordant intrusions often composed of dolerite and they frequently exist in swarms .
9 And there 's the controversy , which I do n't approve of controversy and they rather roll their tongues around and in and out of words and
10 The judges usually used the church of one of their number for the place of hearing and they often chose places that were towns or centres .
11 The drainage dykes are the breeding area for many species of dragonfly and they also contain a wide variety of wild plants .
12 do n't that put you off when drivers come the other way and you 've got right of way and they always go , and they go past
13 The problem we 've got with Greenpeace they might not have so much in the way of merchandise and they just have the stickers and
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