Example sentences of "of [noun sg] on [noun] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To these premises , the permitted hours and the prohibition against the sale , supply and consumption outwith these hours do not apply with the exception of the restrictions on the sale of liquor on passenger vessels on Sundays imposed by 5.93 .
2 think that the effects of training should be the main focus of research on gender differences in spatial abilities , but they connect this programme to ‘ a sincere wish to see what cognitive sex differences might remain if the sexes were treated without discrimination ’ ( 1986 : 1017–18 ) .
3 Clearly the prices shown would only have been achievable if 8.9 per cent p.a. were the prevailing rate of return on Treasury bills throughout the 91 days .
4 The exception to this is the large body of work on gender differences in childhood and adolescence .
5 Does this have something to do with the transfer of work on Trident warheads from Aldermaston , which is not big enough ?
6 So , a tangled combination of factors led to a spate of work on interest groups in Britain .
7 The two final sections are reserved almost exclusively for Botticelli , with three illustrations for Dante 's Inferno and a series of monochrome on canvas studies for ‘ The Adoration of the Magi ’ , which has been rescued from the Uffizi storerooms and restored for the present exhibition .
8 This critique of the consequences of science and consumption culture as ideology comes from a method that is ‘ dialectical ’ ; there is a two-sided discourse that through the effect of criticism on consciousness changes over time .
9 For years the International Stock Exchange has been attempting to reduce the flow of paper on share transactions through the evolution of a computerised system known as Taurus .
10 So is an architecture which runs across multiple different types of hardware on server machines plus multiple such as desktop devices and across lots of heterogeneous networks .
11 The European Council agreed on the creation of a European police office ( Europol ) , the initial function of which would be to organize the exchange of information on narcotic drugs at the level of the Community 's 12 member states …
12 A group of 14 Irish student leaders face jail sentences for contempt today after ignoring a Dublin High Court injunction obtained by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children barring publication of information on abortion services in Britain .
13 ‘ Our Centre of Excellence on Thursday nights for boys from ten to 14 helps us to compete .
14 However , there have been changes of contrast and changes of detail on time scales from years to days , and for at least 100 years it has been widely realized that we are seeing the tops of richly coloured clouds that cover the entire planet .
15 Following a tender competition , the offer from Fairclough Building Ltd. was chosen , but the cost had now risen to almost £1.3 million , partly because of the imposition of VAT on building operations in the 1984 budget .
16 8.9 per cent is the current rate of interest on Treasury bills on day 0 , the day of issue .
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