Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter examines issues of assessment confronted by practitioners in different settings .
2 Studies of old people 's clubs , homes and retirement communities show the kinds of support provided by peers in a youth-oriented society .
3 The pace of change differed from country to country : Poland , Romania and Bulgaria were effectively Soviet puppets by 1946 , but Hungary was only brought under Moscow 's control in mid-1947 and a coalition government survived in Czechoslovakia until February 1948 .
4 The Democratic party winner partied hard through the night in Little Rock after his message of change pulled in voters of all parties who feared the future and were fed up with Bush .
5 In the preceding chapters we saw that there are wide differences between the three major social science theories of power These approaches to the analysis of power in capitalist society operate with distinct methodological and substantive focuses Each of the theories can be differentiated in terms of the phenomena they study in order to locate power ; by their disagreement over where ‘ politics ’ begins and ends in society ; how their respective theories are to be substantiated and invalidated ; and the degree of freedom possessed by individuals in capitalism to shape and change their societies
6 Forms of oratory described by Bloch in Madagascar and Turton for the Mursi of East Africa ( Bloch , 1975 ) , for instance , involve conventions for distancing the speaker and separating out some aspects of meaning from contingent social pressures , without the use of written forms .
7 Indeed , Labov 's work and that of other linguists argues that any user of language is of necessity involved in abstraction in its higher order sense .
8 Because of its size and cost , copies in folio were of necessity confined to persons of substantial means .
9 With ML1:ML2 , the level of protection achieved by levels of NCp7 or NCp7B which corresponded to 1 molecule of NC protein per 2.5 bp DNA was approximately 20–25% .
10 In 1981 , the Conservative Government , influenced by the collapse of four licenced dealers , commissioned Professor LCB Gower to undertake an inquiry into the degree of protection afforded to investors in all areas of the financial services industry and to make recommendations for legislation .
11 It will be understood from this brief commentary that in standard form contracts the haulier should remain on his guard and not be afraid to seek professional advice , especially on insurance matters , before making a contractual commitment to a document which , naturally , affords wide protection to the contracting party responsible for drawing it up and seeks to limit the scope of protection afforded by law for the other party .
12 At first sight , the picture of word-meaning given by patterns of affinity and disaffinity is , at least in some respects , different from the picture given by semantic traits .
13 Number Five was a common type of cottage built in Lewis after the " black house " era .
14 Although the institutions of self-government varied in detail with each of the Basque Provinces , everywhere the sovereign body was a broadly chosen General Assembly with a smaller permanent Deputation .
15 In practice the length of a statute of limitations is perhaps less significant than the content of the duty of diligence imposed upon purchasers of works of art .
16 The injury whilst en ventre sa mère was but an evidentiary incident in the causation of damage suffered at birth by the fault of the defendant .
17 The injury whilst en ventre sa mère was but an evidentiary incident in the causation of damage suffered at birth by the fault of the defendant .
18 What vanity , to imagine that Tommaso was continuing his exhibition of savoir-faire acquired in Naples for his benefit .
19 Such structural changes are of course accompanied by changes in vibrational spectra .
20 The buoyant economy at the end of the eighties of course helped in part by increasing road congestion , forcing many to take the train who would have preferred to drive .
21 Like Style in Fiction , this was a coursebook which grew out of an experience of teaching shared with colleagues at the University of Lancaster .
22 He was the focal point of a vibrant Liverpool first half performance which went some way towards lifting the cloak of despondency draped over Anfield by Spartak 's superiority on Wednesday .
23 We shall examine each of these four claims separately though recognising that they are inter-related and that there are also other claims for the undermining effects of social policy on economic growth — the poverty trap and its damage to incentives , the encouragement of a general attitude favouring leisure and pleasure rather than work and saving , the lack of enthusiasm generated for profit in a welfare state , and so on .
24 Most people train in private practices , as not many in-house legal departments currently offer the breadth of experience required before admission as a solicitor .
25 Choosing other interest rates and finding the level of income required for equilibrium in each case will yield a series of combinations , all of which will lie along the downward-sloping IS curve shown in graph ( d ) .
26 Choosing other interest rates ( between Oi and Oi l ) and finding the level of income required for equilibrium in each case will yield a series of combinations , all of which lie along the upward-sloping LM curve shown in graph ( d ) .
27 He felt an enormous sense of gratification mixed with affection for his two foster parents .
28 He described an adequate marriage as having periods of intimacy interspersed with periods of autonomy for both partners , who , at the same time , do not allow the relationship to become too tenuous and know that the other will be there when needed .
29 The legislation renders liable to forfeiture any benefit derived from the publication of material concerning the circumstances of the offence , from the publication of material concerning the defendant 's opinions , exploits or life history ( provided that the benefit was attributable in whole or in part to notoriety achieved through commission of the offence ) or any benefit obtained by commercial exploitation in any other way of notoriety achieved through commission of the offence . )
30 Looks of admiration changed to signs of unease and bewilderment , and the chorus of ‘ Hear , Hear ’ was stilled .
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