Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [noun prp] [coord] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However the situation found in Kano was not typical of west Africa or even of Nigeria , and the one-man-band was and is the predominant theme .
2 Forecasters thought the iceberg — once measuring 65 miles by 50 miles , and now measuring 35 miles by 20 — would continue drifting eastwards towards the island of South Georgia and onwards towards South Africa , breaking up and melting on the way .
3 The oceanic crust of the East Pacific Plate does collide with the continental mass of South America but instead of piling up in a heap , it ducks down , and dives under the continent ; the site of the ‘ bend ’ being below the 7,500 metre deep Chile-Peru Trench , while the zone of actual sliding contact between oceanic and continental crust is defined by the 60 degree dipping earthquake belt , the Benioff zone .
4 French-speaking cinema managed , though , to make considerable amends with Jean-Jacques Andrien 's Australia , actually a Franco-Belgian-Swiss co-production , and set partly under the bright skies of South Australia but mainly among the mists of the Belgian city of Verviers , where the director was born .
5 The Strip , at the westerly end of Sunset Boulevard and closest to the hub of the film industry , was the avenue for poseurs where every young hopeful — and plenty not so young — hung out to be discovered in one of the dozens of coffee bars that eventually gave way to rock ‘ n ’ roll clubs and then strip shows of the Sixties and Seventies .
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