Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The public interest would hardly suffer by the curtailment of temptations to give or accept credit which were likely to follow the abolition of so dubious a guarantee of honesty as furnished by the liability to imprisonment .
2 6.2 Descriptions of these two instruments of assessment as given in the document The National Certificate — A Guide to Assessment , are :
3 But a major research project at the University of Bristol , led by Professor Ian Silver of the Department of Pathology and funded by the Horserace Betting Levy Board in the late 1970s , was unable to find any scientific evidence for the efficacy of this bizarre treatment .
4 The density of a gas or vapour is often compared to that of hydrogen and expressed as the relative vapour density
5 The primary end points were ascertained at day 28 as ( a ) the investigator 's overall assessment of the patient 's condition compared with pretreatment , ‘ investigator 's assessment ’ , ( b ) the patient 's assessment of remission as recorded in the diary card , ‘ patient 's assessment ’ , and ( c ) the sigmoidoscopy score .
6 However , Michael Jenking , the sailing master , was found guilty of negligence and dismissed from the service .
7 If this declaration is not made within two months of the day of election and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the council within that two months then the office at the expiration of the two months automatically becomes vacant and the local authority must declare the office vacant and signify the vacancy by notice signed by the proper officer of the authority and affixed to the offices of the authority .
8 The influence of the notion of entitlement when applied to the curriculum is , as we have seen , attractive .
9 In Rulfo 's Pedro Páramo , likewise , the frustration that embitters the eponymous protagonist 's life and the dashing of illusions that is the pattern of existence as depicted in the novel , are symbolized by an episode in which young Pedro and his lover climb a hill and fly a kite in the shape of a bird , only to see the string break and the kite fall back to earth , and the novel as a whole is punctuated by recurrent images of rising and falling which reiterate the central theme of the thwarting of human hopes and aspirations .
10 Finn , carrying five bottles of milk and followed by the dog , came into the kitchen .
11 Some fundamental steps in the constitutional development of the country were the Bill of Rights 1689 which limited the power of the monarch to rule by virtue of the royal prerogative and the Act of Settlement 1700 which further strengthened the power of Parliament and provided for the succession to the English throne .
12 Above all , one must look to the requirements of Parliament as stipulated in the Statutory Instruments Act 1946 .
13 Statutes are only one of the means by which governments can achieve their policy objectives and there are , surprisingly , relatively few things which governments can do only with the approval of Parliament as expressed in the passing of a statute .
14 Full name of applicant as shown on the register of foreign lawyers .
15 At best the idea of action as produced by the following of a rule is an icon or model of the process by which actions are really generated .
16 When the Berlin Philharmonic visited New York in 1982 , he registered some doubts about aspects of the music-making , about an absence of cut and thrust in the articulation of some of Brahms 's cross-rhythms , but went on :
17 Right up to the late 19th century , archaeologists were more interested in the progress of civilisation as displayed in the fine arts .
18 He was a leading figure in social evolution — his second book , on the origin of civilisation as shown by the mental and social condition of savages , was published in 1870 , the year before The Descent of Man by his dear friend Charles Darwin — but he knew better than to talk of evolution in Parliament .
19 Unless the glider is going to be launched without delay , it should be turned out of wind and held with the into-wind wing down until it is needed .
20 Therefore , it is important for nurses to be aware of the problems of isolation as experienced by the patient , and to attempt to alleviate them .
21 Next is the graphic equaliser , also switchable in or out , with a powerful 15 dB of boost or cut at the 7 well-chosen frequency centres of 50Hz , 100Hz , 230Hz , 500Hz , 1kHz , 2kHz and 5kHz .
22 The words we use , though they have a central core of meaning that is relatively fixed , have a fringe of uncertainty when applied to the infinitely variable facts of experience .
23 I light a stick of sage and run through the flat with it , as I am told that it will dismember the evil spirits , like an exterminator murders termites and then removes them .
24 The four elements of the offence of theft as defined in the Theft Act were thus clearly established and , in my view , the Court of Appeal was right to dismiss the appeal .
25 Note : Set out the detailed terms of engagement as agreed with the instructing clients as appropriate to the nature of the engagement .
26 The creditors could argue that the contracts and loans related to the purchase of tin as encompassed in the objectives of the 6th International Tin Agreement .
27 After depositing its cargo of arms the plane was loaded up with 25,000 pounds of marijuana and flown to the US Air Force base at Homestead , South Florida .
28 Although higher education institutions are supposed to embody a detached and rational stance towards the world , they seem to behave much as any other kind of institution when faced with the need to determine internal priorities or fend off external threats .
29 The more fully the priesthood reflects the whole range of humanity , the more fully we see the implications of humanity as created in the image of God . ’
30 She managed to cook again , and her depression eased as she achieved a measure of independence and joined in the family 's social activities once more .
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