Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [conj] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They do not realise that to make a discovery of some magnitude requires not only great ability and a bit of luck but also a considerable investment of time and effort in mastering a demanding discipline .
2 Science , then , is not the whole of experience but only an abstract mode of experience .
3 If the direction is reversed the defect is called a fold , while if the defect causes neither displacement nor reversal of direction but only a local disordering of the zigzag configuration it is called a kink .
4 But it does mean that the job is immensely diverse , with a lot of administration and only a small element of number crunching , which he seeks out as an extra because he likes doing it .
5 As for the avant-garde , we can see the development of modernism as precisely an outraged and deliberately esoteric response to the new drive towards total commodification .
6 She believes that what makes the South different from the rest of America is not just a matter of perception but almost a physical phenomenon .
7 About ten people a day kill themselves by suicide , maybe maybe one in a thousand people who take Prozac get bad reactions to it , but that has to be seen in balance , in the balance of a large number of people deriving a lot of benefit and maybe a few people having some bad reactions .
8 The system used a very early expert system shell and soon runs out of capacity and so a later version of the shell was purchased that could cope with an increased knowledge base .
9 By contrast , San Francisco was a fascinating city of charm and not a little culture .
10 Or , to quote Ramsey : " … there is really no separate problem of truth but merely a linguistic muddle . "
11 This is a direct inflow of sterling and hence a direct increase in the money supply .
12 you know they might as well go to the toilet at the same time and all this sort of stuff and yet a little bit of information about that , how long does it take to put together ? and various other things you know where 's the staff manual kept I mean when I joined , I did n't know purchase and this sort of stuff .
13 As he sat in Riddle 's chair he experienced a pang of conscience but also a guilty thrill .
14 This provision ranges widely in form and presentation with major concerts , recitals , plays , celebrity lectures , opera , dance , films , demonstrations , exhibitions of works of art and even an award-winning Summer Festival of Extra Mural Activities designed for visitors and tourists .
15 This provision ranges widely in form and presentation with major concerts , recitals , plays , celebrity lectures , opera , dance , films , demonstrations , exhibitions of works of art and even an award-winning Summer Festival of Extra Mural Activities designed for visitors and tourists .
16 Beyond the Golden Room is a further room of art and then a temperature-controlled room of old clocks , one of the finest collections in Italy .
17 If we find a sudden or gradual drop in weight or fineness , this would appear to indicate a short-term or chronic shortage of bullion and consequently a financial crisis .
18 It took nineteen years to complete what was not only a remarkable feat of engineering but also an outstanding example of Francisco Franco 's single-minded pursuit of self-aggrandizement and immortality .
19 He believes this conflict is responsible for the ‘ crisis ’ in film , television and pop , pointing out that the Sixties saw not only the easing of censorship but also a massive decline in cinema attendances .
20 There Elinor held court , dispensing gallons of soup and not a little whisky , playing Frank Sinatra records as she presided over get-togethers , often crazy and hilarious .
21 The knack is to have an item of news and not a self-congratulatory comment about you or your practice .
22 Lady after lady breathed heavier when Pen dashed in and out , and on the days when Wilson was a little late with the supper — which she now undertook to provide — on account of having been delayed taking tea with Mrs Browning there was not a word of complaint but only a diffident enquiry as to how the venerable poetess had seemed .
23 It was a buffalo , one of Africa 's most unpredictable and dangerous animals , out of sight but just a few feet away from where we were standing .
24 Auditions are a painful necessity of life and not a fair judgement on your career but you have to go through them .
25 The distinction concerns , in the first instance , the two Greek gods Apollo , lawgiver and god of light , and Dionysus , a god of life and yet a sinister , " dark " , force .
26 Upon consideration of the hypothesis that bile constituents and their intracolonic degradation products influence colon carcinogenesis , it has been proposed that subjects with a metabolic predisposition towards lowered serum cholesterol may also have an increased secretion of bile and hence an increased risk of developing colorectal carcinoma .
27 Then , of course , any critical function which natural law might be supposed to have in constraining the content of positive law is dissolved and Finnis 's natural law with a variable and changing content is revealed as serving the purely ideological function of justification and not an epistemological function in respect of what ought to be .
28 Arguably the urge to dichotomise is a product of indoctrination and not a native habit .
29 However , all too often such systems end up as glorified word processors just producing documents with different sizes of print and maybe a few boxes .
30 The district believed in the benefits of decentralisation but not a complete separation , whereas the unit saw its interests in wider terms than the district , as a provider of regional specialities , and wanted complete independence to pursue them .
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