Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What is more , the cultivation of the idea of emperorship brought with it a renewed interest in the rich sources of the Roman law .
2 The distinction between policy making and implementation seems to need to rest upon the identification of decision points at which a policy is deemed to be made and ready for implementations like a commodity that is manufactured and ready for selling .
3 But this course of action brings with it the disadvantages of AJR procedure already discussed .
4 Where Charles Margaret is moved by the chivalric ideal of honour towards women , Olivia 's sense of honour requires of her a complete loyalty to , and trust in , her husband .
5 But then came the ‘ troubles ’ and a series of body blows from which the village is now only beginning to recover .
6 As the Padre began the baptism the cannons fired almost in unison from the other side of the hospital and a faint stirring of breeze brought with it the brimstone smell of burnt powder .
7 To prevent damage to the hall 's ceiling , more than 500 feet of metal trusses from which the stage lighting will be suspended have been put up .
8 Standards of achievement exist of which the housewife is permanently aware , but which she can not often hope to reach due to the other demands on her time .
9 From a positive standpoint , that kind of happening brings with it an educational experience with a particular degree of vitality .
10 Discontent with the outcome of education carries with it a general low esteem for those who dispense this unsatisfactory commodity , the teachers .
11 The anthropologists ' work of reconstruction carries with it a major temptation , which is to try to show that every part of an exotic culture is coherent and consistent with all the other parts .
12 This is partly as a means of enhancing control , permitting the field man to transmit his concern about the effluent to the discharger , the props of sampling conferring a certain sense of gravity and the act of sampling carrying with it the clear implication that the discharger is under scrutiny .
13 It was to drive another nail into the coffin , into the public service 's coffin , to go alongside compulsory competitive tendering , erosion of working conditions and compulsory redundancies just to satisfy their own political dogma not caring about the citizens of this country , whose quality of life depends on them the services provided by the public sector .
14 The notion of marginality carries with it the sense of dualism , since it implies being on the boundaries of urban and rural society , but not integrated into either .
15 In a broadcast appeal to the electors on May 28th , he denounced the idea that unemployment could be cured by ‘ patchwork ’ and declared that Labour 's solution was ‘ not a programme of relief works upon which the capital spent will be mainly lost to the country .
16 The Secretary of State put before us a whole catalogue of countries that have ballistic missile capability , and a substantial number of them appear to have embarked on a nuclear weapons programme .
17 Since mathematics deals with purely imaginary entities , there is theoretically nothing preventing AB from being equal to CD except the need for someone to conceive them as equal , so that the actualization of let carries with it the automatic actualization of be equal .
18 Roy Porter maintains , however , that in the eighteenth century the growth of fashion brought with it a new standard of beauty which emphasized the artificial , so that many Georgians feared a civilization of facades .
19 An average crop has between 100 and 400kg per hectare of nitrogen deposited on it every year , and between 70 and 150kg per hectare is leached into the ground and filters through to the water systems .
20 The first would be to expand the system of training credits with which the Department has been involved .
21 The ship drifted in the sea of lost souls as the occupants of that bubble of reality stared at what the warp-scope showed .
22 Raising questions about whether we are able to know the nature of reality carries with it the scientific baggage involved in our substantive conception of truth .
23 The denial of naturalism carries with it the recognition of the possibility of an epistemology which is prior to all of the special sciences , and which can make no use of general or particular facts about nature .
24 In the event , not one of these possibilities for the immediate future materialized and a period of balance emerged in which the three principal southumbrian kingdoms — Kent , Wessex and Mercia — existed in a state of political equilibrium and the stability of Kent and Wessex was in striking contrast to the volatility of the recent past .
25 A process of negotiation occurs from which the definition emerges .
26 we had to pull forward it 's not due so we 've got er so we 've given them three days to You see when we worked out the numbers for the we were given all the , the allowances , the rates et cetera , et cetera , we worked the forecast through and seen huge amounts of time given for which the assumption is that it 's all done by hand , the job these cranes so the resources how much money had been spent .
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