Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [noun] [modal v] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The introduction of computer support could have had significantly different effects on the service providers and on the users , and the Needs Analysis was carried out using a different questionnaire for each generic group .
2 We estimate from that relationship that with a constant c i /c a of 0.70 , net assimilation of oat leaves would have increased 40% with the 75μmolmol -1 rise in [ CO 2 ] since 1800 .
3 Of course Tolkien would have scorned ‘ message ’ as much as ‘ modern ’ .
4 Many a bunch of vigilante bully-boys would have worked them over into lumps of fillet steak , twitching and staining the carpet .
5 More to the point , if ‘ Hooliganism ’ was an entirely novel outburst as was usually supposed , then a tropical growth of gang life must have sprouted overnight .
6 I find it astonishing that , in less than a year since proposals on these lines by Robert Jackson , the higher education minister , were leaked , the majority of university vice-chancellors should have moved to a position whereby they are actively pursuing the option of charging students the full cost of their courses .
7 So it , it is hard to say , erm and I would n't like to make a prediction except that I think the number of postgraduate students may have fallen more than the number of undergraduate students , and that we may see already even in this first year erm a substantial not altogether healthy change in the national makeup of overseas students .
8 Any vestige of friendship Grassi might have retained was to disappear when he saw a letter from Florence claiming that the Jesuits would be powerless to answer Galileo 's arguments .
9 The copyist who supplied it was , to judge from other manuscripts in his handwriting , almost certainly an amateur — not the kind of musician Purcell would have trusted with an important task — and was not active until 1700 at the earliest .
10 Across the way in the main hall dominated by Renault and Peugeot/Citroen was Activa II , a big handsome XM coupe built just for show , but thought to be the type of car BMW should have built instead of the 850i .
11 Watford did simple things well and in Bazeley had the sort of finisher Dalglish must have yearned for .
12 As many as 70% of winter visitors may have taken the discount .
13 Any feelings of shyness Fabia might have endured the following morning at the thought of seeing Ven again were shortlived when she did actually see him .
14 This was the kind of diversification Daimler should have pursued all along , rather than chasing grandiose ‘ synergies ’ which probably do not exist .
15 Not the kind of remark Roland would have made .
16 Your study of cash flow will have shown you what is wrong with Henry 's plan .
17 Although it was probably inevitable that whatever the political flavour of the government of the day some form of national pattern of cash limits would have had to applied to expenditure on public sector higher education , 4 the practical effects of this political decision turned out to be both complex and capricious , and had two important consequences .
18 In addition to his military household , rewarded with " annual gifts " of clothes and equipment , Charles had to field armies for the sort of warfare that did not appeal much to Frankish nobles — namely , defensive or non-expansionist war ; and here the availability of cash stipends may have helped recruit professional warriors ( including Vikings ) .
19 The optimists feel that in the absence of war Russia would have continued on the road to progressive modernisation .
20 Detaching himself from this passionate domesticity , he composed in his mind the kind of picture Rembrandt would have made of it .
21 In most cases the processing power required is that of an AT type machine with a Hercules or EGA graphics card so until Amstrad come out with the next generation machine this aspect of desktop publishing will have to wait .
22 It was n't the sort of day George would have chosen for his send-off .
23 The arrival of Deacon Billingsley should have given me the satisfaction that my telephone call had been treated seriously , but I sensed this policeman was not going to offer me any satisfaction at all .
24 The Green Paper considered in detail how the working practices of probation officers would have to change , reminding the probation service that it is a criminal justice agency , in obvious anticipation opposition from NAPO .
25 A little bit unfortunate there Kingsley Black he 's played he 's played a nice ball down the side down the channel but that 's the sort of ball Collimore would have thrived on .
26 Had the besweatered Pakistanis held their catches there is no knowing to what depths of despair England might have sunk that evening .
27 Habitual attendees of Unix events would have enjoyed last week 's UK Computer Measurement Group conference and exhibition , held at the Brighton Metropole .
28 The noise and bustle of workbound humanity would have made their journey seem more normal .
29 Once it has been allowed that the procedure used in these various studies of flavour pre-exposure might have used insensitive measures of conditioning , it becomes inappropriate to place much reliance on them as demonstrating a dissociation of habituation and latent inhibition .
30 Fewer and fewer people of working age will have to support more and more people no longer earning .
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