Example sentences of "of [pron] was [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 One of them was sentenced to be burned alive , and the other hanged , punishments dictated , apparently , not by their sexuality as such but their transvestism and use of the dildo — at once , I want to suggest , appropriations of masculinity , inversions of it , and substitutions for it .
2 was that the one where hang on let me think what it was , there 's some , there 's a it was , at Oxford College were n't it and one of them was trying to be a like high up in the church or something
3 Moreover one of them was bound to be reporting back to the Questore , and since there was no way of finding out which he would have to keep them all busy if he was to do what Bartocci had asked .
4 Although several differences in pretreatment characteristics of responders versus non-responders were observed , none of them was found to be significant .
5 When the first of them was brought to be executed , he placed his neck on the block and the executioner pulled the handle to release the blade .
6 I mean , he is n't run of the mill , is he ? … and I thought any lady friend of his was bound to be unusual . ’
7 Moreover , at least since the nineteenth century there has been a spillover into the State schools of the ethos of the independent boarding schools , the purpose of which was understood to be as much moral as academic , with character-training high on the agenda .
8 This provided the basis for contextual ratings , the most important of which was found to be long-term threat .
9 External locus of control was measured on four items , no more than one of which was allowed to be missing .
10 More generally , there was a growing belief over the 1960s and into the 1970s that Britain 's industrial problems could be overcome through more vigorous entrepreneurship , the supply of which was held to be ‘ market-determined ’ .
11 According to the Bush administration , the war was estimated to have cost about $50,000 million , most of which was expected to be offset by contributions of $36,000 million made recently by Japan , Saudi Arabia and Kuwait .
12 In the early part of the twentieth century very little was known about the chronology of tribal art ( most of it was considered to be much older than it is ) , and the stylistic differences between the work of various regions had not been examined ; Guillaume himself included Oceanic work under the term tribal art , and felt that it could be extended to include Alaskan art as well .
13 He felt sure the man had been paid some sort of allowance for putting him up , but it did n't look as if any of it was going to be spent on food .
14 I mean what we would do is , is very rigorously look at er more of whatever was going to be discharged from any company who , who came into our region .
15 A close associate of hers was reported to be under investigation for espionage .
16 The row followed publication of what was said to be the Queen 's full message in The Sun newspaper .
17 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
18 The church is in fact only the north aisle of what was intended to be a mini-cathedral .
19 The tide turned against the Labour government in its marginal defeat in 1951 because of what was seen to be its still strong commitment to state regulation and control and because of the new-found attractiveness of the free-market ideology offered by the Conservatives .
20 The result of the tests was to illustrate that the failure of the right stabiliser on G-BEBP occurred because of an inherent inability of what was believed to be a fail-safe structure to carry the flight loads subsequent to the fracture of the rear spar top chord ( a primary load bearing structure ) ; this was a feature of the basic design and construction rather than some factor specific to G-BEBP .
21 The three were arrested allegedly in possession of what was believed to be cannabis on December 15 .
22 " You 've no imagination , " Graham said the other day , as we stood at the window of what was going to be the baby 's room , and looked out at the muddy patch behind our house .
23 of what was going to be favoured .
24 By chance a list of dresses taken by Mme Moulton to Compiègne has survived and it gives a very good idea of what was expected to be worn .
25 The most dramatic example of this came on June 13 when , while addressing a meeting of members of the Rev. Jesse Jackson 's " Rainbow Coalition " , he defied the parameters of what was considered to be " politically correct " by criticizing all forms of racial hatred , including such expressions by blacks against whites .
26 The Government have already scrapped legislation introduced by previous Conservative Governments , but it is extremely unusual , if not unique , for them to provide , in the Queen 's Speech , for the abolition of what was claimed to be the flagship of their opening programme .
27 Kallal had on Sept. 28 revealed further details of what was claimed to be a longstanding fundamentalist conspiracy to seize power [ see pp. 38215 ; 38456 ] .
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