Example sentences of "of [pron] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , he had to mould a group of individuals , some of whom barely knew each other , into a team .
2 A rather strange collection of men and women , thought Rupert with an anthropologist 's detachment , none of whom really know each other but between whom waves and currents of feeling are already beginning to pass .
3 One man was outside , two were sitting inside , the men were completely black , so black trousers , black hats and they had a black cape over it , over their faces so you could n't see who they were , and one of them just had this gun in his hand , and fired at this Citroen here located .
4 Most of them also use personal experience as Owen uses traumatic experiences of his during the war , to act as a base to what he is trying to say and to help to get his message across .
5 However it is clear that these students who did not meet the GER had passed through a rigorous process of selection , and a number of them already had two A-level at the time of entry .
6 Some of them too have fantastic pulling and lifting power , ’ says Andrew .
7 Sally-Anne had finished putting her things down , and was feeling enormously hungry as well as thirsty — Papa had once said that she had an appetite as indecent as his own , and the wonder was that neither of them ever put any weight on !
8 you know and various things like that but none of them actually mean any concrete decision on that .
9 There are a number of biographies of Stanley Baldwin , the Conservative leader ; but none of them really casts much light on his attitude to the crisis .
10 This little entrance of yours hardly inspires professional confidence , does it ?
11 The cult of classicism and the ancient world is , of course , central to an understanding of Lorenzo , but far from remaining a theoretical and private interest , as was generally thought until recently , prestigious architectural commissions were part of his clearly defined political programme .
12 There was tenderness , there was compassion , there was kindness , there was love , though obscured at times by the harder angles of his constantly changing Cancerian character .
13 The Doctor let out a long slow breath , and considered his options , since even if he succeeded in stopping Mait , there was always the risk of someone else finding this place the next time the stars were in the correct alignment .
14 The ambulance doors closed out the white face of my recently acquired 17-year-old husband .
15 CONSOLIDATED have announced details of their keenly anticipated third album .
16 Constance frequently reiterated that she would never buy anything that had belonged to somebody else , that meant something to them , that had been warm against their skin or over the fireplace : only brand-new articles , the stuff of commerce in transit between factory and store , the owners of which already had more money than was good for them and were themselves no better than they should be .
17 However , these come in various forms , only one of which strictly involves financial intermediation .
18 Its long-term prospects as far as mass marketing is concerned are still uncertain and will depend upon the ability of airlines to keep their prices down and upon relative exchange rate movements , both of which disproportionately affect this sector .
19 In spite of their weariness and thirst they declined to drink the water which the Europeans had been using and which was stored in half a dozen hip-baths brought over from the Residency a week earlier ( only one of which still contained any water ) .
20 Headway Advanced is preceded in the series by Headway Intermediate and Headway Upper Intermediate , both of which now have new Pronunciation Books .
21 On the way to Eric 's first hiding place there had been an uncomfortable few minutes when the doctor 's car , in spite of its prominently displayed red cross , had been stopped by a carabinieri patrol .
22 This poem , though in appearance and make-up is different from other Owen work it still carries the same anti-war message , but for me this poem is the best of his poems because of its subtly hidden anti-war message and meaningful ambiguity .
23 Three criminals were hanged in front of a large cheering crowd in Kabul on Sept. 7 in the government 's most dramatic implementation of its recently introduced Islamic code of laws ( sharia ) .
24 Then she had the severest strain put on the control of her newly awakened ear-boxing predilection when his mouth twitched at the corners and it seemed , for a moment , that her sarcasm had amused him .
25 Occasionally a gelding , or even a mare , may be so aggressive that there is a real possibility of it seriously injuring another horse , especially if there are shelter sheds another horse can be trapped in , although for some horses even the corner of the paddock is enough .
26 So far the question of what exactly constitutes biological inequality has not been answered .
27 It is a convention in Elizabethan drama that slander is always believed , which can be explained perhaps from the necessities of the limited time available , or is perhaps a truth about life ( how many of us instantly disbelieve bad report ? ) .
28 It 's very difficult , because you 're , again , I mean , we 're saying that we do n't get positive feedback , how many of us truthfully give positive feedback through to our staff ?
29 Few of us truly enjoy administrative work , and the time that we spend on it is lost from direct contact with our patients — or our families .
30 However , most of us now admit that reason unassisted by observation can never break out of the closed circle of logic and mathematics .
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