Example sentences of "of [art] great [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 The schools themselves could never have flourished so significantly without the presence in the town ( at roughly the same time as Gratian ) of the great father-figure of the Roman law school , Irnerius , and the group of glossators or commentators who gathered under him .
2 ‘ Why do n't you do the social and economic consequences of the Great Plague of the Twentieth Century ? ’ his mum wanted to know .
3 From this point on , progress was limited because of the great instability of the inhibitory substance .
4 It is part of the great skill of the storytellers and the compilers of this material that they repeat events or speeches , but with subtle changes that give the larger narrative not just variety , but tension and further layers of meaning .
5 If there had ever been any chance that the Whigs might lose the support of the great mass of the population , the poor , the unpropertied , the emergent working class , that possibility had now gone .
6 Here young men ( some of whom , such as C.E. Vaughan , subsequently supported the elevation of English within the national system of education ) , fired by a somewhat secularized — " politics of conscience " engaged in missionary work addressed to the cultural colonization of the great mass of the excluded population .
7 It is unfair to see her , as Soviet historians have done , as the mere representative of the Russian nobility , trampling underfoot the interests of the great mass of the population to serve those of a small ruling class .
8 In the case of the Reynwells , mentioned earlier , the father had begun in the lesser guild of the girdlers , and transferred to the ironmongers , while the son was a member of the great company of the fishmongers .
9 The old Whig historians tended to see the Revolution as being the climax of the great struggle of the seventeenth century between the absolutist pretensions of the House of Stuarts and the cause of Parliamentary constitutionalism .
10 " Iran , " he declared , because of the great leadership of the Shah , is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of your world .
11 War , international competition , industrial concentration ( and the demise of competitive capitalism ) , technological developments , declining profitability , and the political implications of the great depression of the 1930s ( and the related decline in any faith in the self-regulating virtues of unfettered capitalism ) all heightened tensions , increased the need for order and stability , and prompted the search for a " better " way of handling economic and political affairs .
12 On the steps of the Great Hall of the People and under the portrait of Chairman Mao , thousands voiced their disapproval of the government which would not allow the freedoms they desired .
13 According to Dr Declan Murphy , project director in Washington , Rome has not forgotten this help and despite a certain weariness engendered by the numerous calls for loans of 1492 material received last year , it cooperated enthusiastically with Washington over the exhibition ( which is to mark the reopening of the Great Hall of the Library of Congress after a three-year renovation ) .
14 XIII Reconstruction of the great hall of the Baths of Caracalla , Rome , c .
15 Secondly , anti-abortionism is the view of the great majority of the population in both parts of Ireland , as well as the various churches .
16 By rejecting reform , on the other hand , he won the enthusiastic support of the great majority of the nobility .
17 Kazakhstan had a very substantial Russian population 37.8 per cent of the total according to the 1989 census , almost as many as the Kazakhs themselves — but it was the home of the great majority of the Soviet Union 's Kazakhs and it had become accepted that the republic 's party and state leadership should be drawn from the national group after whom the republic was named .
18 Of the great fear of the men of property our sources leave us in no doubt .
19 Physical nature is the outward aspect , the outward shell , of the great Egg of the Mind , the one Golden Womb of creation .
20 Lyell made people aware by the 1830s of the great age of the Earth , and he also divided up the Tertiary period , using a statistical method based upon the proportions of existing species found among the fossils .
21 They have come forward with plans which , they say , are carefully costed and carefully thought through and represent the interests of the great body of the Scottish people .
22 Later , with the shutters closed against the night , the four of them sat within the ingoing of the great fireplace of the hall , on two cushioned benches on either side of the glowing , hissing log fire .
23 This must have given him great satisfaction for he used to refer to himself " as one who has been admitted a member of the great family of the deaf " , and described this family as " my people " .
24 So , too , the third of them , Stevens , who stood to one side , looking back at the wall-length window and its view of the great circle of the spaceport 's landing apron .
25 Next in popularity were the various almanacs Professor Harrison has described as having " catered to the needs of a great part of the nation , and their peculiar form served to keep alive the ancient traditions of folk astrology " .
26 In an astonishing verbal assault on the justice administration and on the civil service , Hitler — allegedly voicing the exact sentiments of a great proportion of the population — made it clear whom he thought the main culprits were , and threatened to remove their privileged position and ‘ well-established rights ’ and to dismiss offenders instantaneously .
27 The tower stands at the point of a great confluence of the coursing magical energies of the vortex , a fact that lends it a greater strength than any creation of mere bricks and mortar .
28 As a canon of Durham Ramsey was one of the custodians of a great monument of the European inheritance in architecture , at a time when bombs dropped upon Britain .
29 It is the underlying implication of the existence of a providing ‘ god ’ which lies at the bottom of a great deal of the world 's misery .
30 Take the advice of a great exponent of the Golden Age of the detective story , John Dickson Carr , creator of Dr Gideon Fell : work backwards .
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