Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun] [pron] give " in BNC.

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1 Myogenic control is related to the intrinsic excitability of gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells , and particularly to the constant rhythmic polarisation and depolarisation of the plasmalemmal membranes which gives rise to the electrical slow wave or electrical control activity .
2 The scope of the legal doctrine , and its implications for constitutional change , can not be settled except by analysis of the political morality which gives it its authority .
3 One of the major problems which gave carbohydrate foods in general the reputation of being fattening would be described by doctors as ‘ rebound hypoglycaemia ’ .
4 Start by playing these combinations with one note then apply some of the melodic permutations I gave you in part 1 of this series .
5 Many of the ordinary Panamanians who gave the general such a stinging defeat in May 's annulled elections were astonished that the US allowed the coup to collapse when it had 12,000 troops stationed around the canal .
6 ‘ We must live our earthly lives in obedience to Him but also in the service of the great possibilities He gives us .
7 Most of the seminal papers which give rise to paradigm shifts , and the creation of new journals to publish new subjects or combinations of subjects , are first published in the core journal set for the earlier research front , and the clusters which define the new research front may not include the journal which first published the paper which led to its inception .
8 Mr Chambers bought an off-the-shelf company via his solicitors Gold , Mann and Co , opting for limited liability status because of the personal protection it gave him .
9 In March 1990 Finance Minister Wang Bingqian presented details of the 1989 economic performance and the 1990 state budget to the NPC [ see p. 37373 ] , and in March of the following year he gave details of the 1990 economic performance and the 1991 budget [ see p. 38096 ] .
10 This can be observed particularly for some of the small fragments which give a very weak signal suggesting they contain very few repeats .
11 For an extraordinary moment , because of the faint frown he gave , Meredith thought he was n't sure , and then he recovered his poise .
12 The fact remains that the debate on contemporary art seems to have entered a new dimension , with doubt being cast wholesale on the quality and content of recent trends , and on the good faith of the public institutions which give them space .
13 All around him , squatting on the ground , were his followers ; and beyond them , around the outskirts and blocking up the mouths of the little streets which gave on to the square , was a wider , more disinterested audience .
14 Suppose on the other hand that as a thoroughly loyal supporter of the Fruity Party I give all of my first three preferences to all of its three candidates — to Cherry as well as to Apple and Banana .
15 However , it is the further legitimation given to a particular socio-ethical form of political religion in the constitution and to the implied authority of religious intellectuals in deciding in concreto what must be taken by the state as in the interests of the common good which gives to conflict in Ireland between the two alliances its political religious dimension in the sphere of law .
16 I had to stand in front of the whole school which gave me ample opportunity to observe the envy on some girls ' faces because knitting for the troops was a popular pastime then .
17 The next extracts provide some explanation of the social context which gave this distinction such a high profile .
18 The only sign he ever gave that anything was amiss in his family was the number of times he got out his thumbnail-sized pipe for the comfort of the single puff it gave him .
19 In many respects this was a return to the position of the very last years of the fourth century ; the establishment of arian kingdoms on Gallic soil had removed from the catholic bishops sole authority over the definition of the Christian community , and it was only the conversion of Clovis and the expansion of the Frankish kingdom which gave the ecclesiastical hierarchy the authority once more to define the Christian life for all the members of the State .
20 Unfortunately , some teachers , because of the obvious security it gives , give children a total diet of this kind of thing , which is a bit like English teachers giving children continual practice in punctuation or sentence structure without the chance to write creatively .
21 Withycombe , which was demolished in the mid-nineteenth century , stood a third of a mile from Culbone Church at the head of the wooded combe which gave the farm a name .
22 Once she 'd downed some of the extra-strong brew she gave her sister the bare bones of the story , then turned dull eyes on Elise 's horrified face .
23 There Millett J having held that the part of a non-solicitation clause which gave protection to the plaintiff was valid but that the part which sought to give protection to an associated company of the plaintiff was invalid had then to decide whether the invalid part could be severed or whether the whole clause was invalid .
24 The project produced a successful demonstration run at the Le Mans 24 Hours , despite the imposition of a ridiculous timetable which gave BRM only 10 days to build the car .
25 The Founders appeared in the prospectus as holders of a Golden Share which gave them six powers .
26 The Idealists achieved this by means of a complex theory which gave the state a particular moral significance .
27 Much more recently , in 1981 , there was a newspaper report of a Chinese she-mule who gave birth to a foal in Honan Province ; the sire was a donkey and the offspring a mule like its mother .
28 If possible it should be typed , double spaced , and sent under cover of a brief note which gives the background details of the contributor .
29 The service was brisk but I was struggling to understand the drawn-out diphthongs of a heavy accent which gave Ja at least two syllables .
30 The achievement of Edward IV and Henry VII lay less in the size of their income than in their creation of a landed estate which gave them a substantial revenue over which they had complete control .
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