Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the start of the season , the defensive system was a sweeper one , it worked superbly , we were winning though , but it , it 's the , it 's the reincarnation of the battle of Culloden as far as I 'm concerned ; Bonnie Prince Charlie just trying to swamp the Duke of Cumberland .
2 Section 5.2 measures the performance of LA in terms of the percentage of words correctly recognised .
3 The severity of her discipline — she lived three years on bread and water , sometimes went barefoot to church in winter and prostrated herself on the bare floor of the church during weather so cold that the wine froze in the chalice during Mass — is typical of these women .
4 A new wave of evangelization was carrying the influence of the church of Lindisfarne deep into southern England , symbolizing a new political initiative on the part of Oswiu .
5 At one point , towards the end of the seventeenth century , the church was possessed by Daniel Disney who turned it into a Presbyterian Meeting House but by 1812 it was back in the hands of the Church of England again .
6 It shows that there are areas in the life of the Church of England where confidence is high .
7 He did not assert his claims for the structure and rites and liturgy of the Church of England as highly as did the divines of the next century .
8 And although subsequent reviews found it thoroughly sane and quite uncontroversial , clerics of the Church of England publicly announced that they would be on standby alert to deal with any members of their congregation upset by the programmes .
9 Boniface 's concern about the state of the Church in England generally is revealed by his letter to Cuthbert , archbishop of Canterbury , which , it has been said , ‘ amounts to a far-reaching critique of the English Church ’ .
10 The tercentenary of the church in Cambridge where we met was to be held in June that year , and we looked forward eagerly to that reunion , and to another reunion in May with friends in the Lake District .
11 A bizarre by-product has been the recognition of various richly decorated fragments of the church in places as far afield as Barcelona , Venice , Aquileia , and even Vienna , presumably carried off to the West as loot after 1204 , by members of the Fourth Crusade who evidently had an eye for exotic sculpture .
12 Though the proportion of such people on the Sussex Downs and coastal plain looks small by comparison , in fact it varied greatly from one administrative division to another , reaching almost three-fifths in the Liberty of the archbishop of Canterbury where , as on many ecclesiastical estates , the condition of the people tended to backward-ness , with villeinage lingering on .
13 That being so , all those in favour of the nomination of Councillor please show .
14 As he slowly revolved he observed all points of the compass with eyes wide in wonder .
15 The famous incident of the ordeal by fire then occurred .
16 Thirdly , it is the intention of AIB Bank Management to introduce a reduction in Staff Costs by the elimination of special payments , by the reduction of London and Large Town Allowances , by the reduction of the standard of flights home and the phasing out of Overseas Allowance .
17 Would you would you encourage any school in this county , bearing in mind your high praise of the standard of education here offered by the Education Authority , would you advise any school to opt out ?
18 An aftercast of the winds and study of the Canadian forecast for the period of the flight reveals the presence of a jet stream between 33,000 and 35,000 feet on the latter part of the route with winds up to 134 knots .
19 This would give him time to get back to Mrs Lorimer 's , out of his jeans and grubby shirt , and into something that smelt less heavily of the smoke , sweat and beer of the Prince of Wales where he had spent most of the last few working days .
20 To contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the operation of industries where firms have significant market power , with particular reference to the dynamics of competition in such markets .
21 Anyone resident in a house could be held liable for the support of other household members , which meant that a wage-earning son or daughter often moved out of the home in order not to diminish the unemployed parents ' entitlement to benefit .
22 The First Division of the Court of Session so held in refusing a reclaiming motion by property valuers against the Lord Ordinary 's decision that a mortgage application form containing a disclaimer in respect of their liability to Derek and Margaret Melrose constituted a contract .
23 It is rare , if not unknown , for the same voices to be heard if a sentence is too severe , although the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal frequently reduces sentences for just that reason .
24 In the instant case the decision of the Court of Appeal finally disposed of separate issues which had been pleaded , entertained , supported with evidence , argued and considered .
25 The decision of the Court of Appeal In re Midland Railway Co. 's Agreement [ 1971 ] Ch. 725 was taken a little further in Ashburn Anstalt v. Arnold [ 1989 ] Ch. 1 .
26 Not merely is the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal hardly the most suitable tribunal to determine complex questions of civil law — the pressures on the court 's time aside — but the very fact that this is the Criminal Division carries with it the consequence that whatever we decide can not be the subject of appeal : see section 33 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 .
27 That decision has been regarded as definitive , by judges of first instance , as to the application of the Torfaen principle in this country ; but of course matters have changed following the collapse of injunction proceedings by local authorities after the decision of the Court of Appeal now under consideration .
28 For these reasons I would allow the appeal and order that the child be returned forthwith to the jurisdiction of the court in Ontario so that that court may continue its consideration of the applications which are currently before it .
29 Australia has contested , at this point , not the merits of the claim but the admissibility of the claim and the jurisdiction of the court in respect thereof .
30 It allows relatively inexpert people to communicate the gravity of the problem to others so teamwork can be handled sensibly .
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