Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The two reactions of the repressor protein , with the operator region of the chromosome and with the inducing galactoside molecules , are non-covalent , and therefore readily reversible , so that synthesis can be switched on and off repeatedly .
2 She walked round the side of the cottage and into the back garden .
3 The servitude of the slave and of the serf was hereditary .
4 And despite Robbie 's protest that his daughter might also scold if he brought home an unexpected extra guest , the Reverend Mr Taylor hustled them out of the church and towards the adjoining house .
5 As they dropped down the steep winding road , the sky was a brilliant blue , the sun gleaming on the gilt weathervane of the church and on the butter-and-honey-coloured buildings .
6 It is conventional for the bride 's family to occupy one side of the church and for the groom 's family to occupy the other .
7 In response , a growing body of clergy and laity , on both sides of the Atlantic , are committing themselves to dedicate at least one hour a day to prayer for the renewal and growth of the Church and for the transformation of society .
8 We left the library , went round the north part of the church and into the abbey church through the Lady Chapel , now covered in sheets and dust .
9 Come out of the church and to the left you can see one façade of the Clementinum .
10 At Bologna , it seems that both laws — the Roman or civil law , much used by the emperor , and the canon law , the law of the Church and of the papacy — were being taught by this date .
11 There was the building on the island of Birsay to visit , with Bishop Jon to explain the niceties of the church and of the hall , both of which were roofed and full of carpenters attempting to produce a cathedral and a palace in time for the celebration of Yule .
12 Normally , a ride in a car , even a police car , would be something of a treat for a child particularly now that a gratifying crowd was beginning to collect to witness his notoriety , drawn by the yards of white tape which sealed off the whole of the south part of the church and by the police cars and the unmistakable black and sinister mortuary van parked between the church wall and the canal .
13 with things to colour or do are available at the back of the church and in the cry room .
14 with things to colour or do are available at the back of the church and in the cry room .
15 The manor passed out of the hands of the Archbishop and into the hands of the Crown in 1545 .
16 So it , in the absence of the Tasm and in the absence of the capability then it 's not gon na have a nuclear role .
17 Meh'Lindi , Grimm , Moma Parsheen : iotas , mere jots , tiny ciphers in the vastness of the Imperium and in the huge insidious scheme of the cabalists .
18 Finally , Malcolm Fraser , ex-editor of the Standard and of the Daily Express became first honorary press adviser and subsequently was employed to run the press bureau at the colossal salary of £1,200 .
19 Further , as parity and age increased , there was also a significant rise in the prevalence of infectious and other diseases of the cervix and of the female genital organs .
20 The defendant omitted to plead that he tendered the money in full satisfaction : ‘ And always the manner of the tender and of the payment shall be directed by him who made the tender or payment , and not by him who accepts it . ’
21 After the operation , you may feel sick or very depressed — this is the effect of the trauma of the operation and of the anaesthetic .
22 Juno was the guardian of the home and with the title ‘ Regina ’ was once lauded as the Queen and Mother of all Rome .
23 Over the years Mrs. Jarrett had seen many changes , not only in the staff and resident body of the home and in the facilities it now provides , but in government legislation within the various departments of health and social security , with whom she had established for Le Court a strong and trusting relationship .
24 He is also Chairman of the Financial and Stewardship Committee , a member of the vestry and of the church choir , while Judith is well known for her community work and embroidery .
25 A solicitor is an officer of the court and under the control of the court .
26 The perceived role of the Court and of the Commission as the twin guardians of the Treaty will be sufficient in practice to ensure that the Commission will determine the limits of its own field of competence so far as Article 38 and subsidiarity are concerned .
27 By pursuing her own method , Lisa not only gained control over her work but also showed her grasp of the nature of the problem and of the nature of multiplication .
28 Others , however , including many of the heads of government who attended the conference , stressed that it should be seen as a first step towards sustainable development , and a welcome acknowledgement both of the seriousness of the problem and of the fact that global co-operation was needed to overcome it .
29 Children have been subjected to tests and investigations by doctors , psychologists and teachers with the aim of pinpointing the nature of the problem and in the hope that this might lead to specific programmes of teaching and intervention .
30 Of course , the extent of the fall depends on the use made of the service and on the balance between rental and call charges .
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