Example sentences of "of [art] [noun prp] [conj] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When one of the dragomen did not perform to perfection , John Mason tossed him overboard into the brown waters of the Nile and took the helm himself .
2 [ The British ] had pressed for some time for a continuation of a combined staff relationship and had only been convinced that we were serious in rejecting this when we moved their combined staff people out of the Pentagon and moved the standing group [ of Nato ] in .
3 Around 1382 it was bought from the Lord of the Manor and made an endowment of the Trinity Chapel in the impressive Parish Church of Cirencester .
4 Miss Wise was a strong supporter of the B.D.D.A. and wrote a number of articles for the British Deaf Times , mostly about travel in France .
5 It was the intervention of the USA that saved the situation .
6 For this reason , Pharisaic thought survived the fall of the Temple and provided the soil from which later Rabbinic Judaism eventually sprang .
7 Over confident after their quick victories , the Japanese began an invasion of the Solomons and planned a landing at Port Moresby in south-east New Guinea .
8 In August and September of the same year the Belgians rebelled against the Kingdom of the Netherlands and established an independent state .
9 Gathering his strength , he pried his left leg free of the BMW and dragged the bike upright against the bank .
10 ACT ‘ borrowed ’ many ideas of the Sirius and designed the Apricot computer .
11 He yanked the cable from the socket under the console , threw it out of the TARDIS and closed the door .
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