Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] that [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 But it was the natural kindness of the Duke that helped me most .
2 Even more than their magnificent appearance , I think it was the movement of the birds that captivated me — their ability to fly fast or , in the case of the owls , slow and in absolute silence , and pinpoint their prey with breathtaking accuracy , even in total darkness .
3 You can not conceive of the feelings that consumed me when I understood — or rather when I thought I understood — why you had come tonight , when you said you wanted to share your happiness with me , wanted to give me something .
4 And when I arrived in Lanyon 's house , I took the dose of the drug that returned me to my normal appearance .
5 Cos it was in with the electric bills , and I did n't want that , and that was one of the advantages that made me decide to have here , cos I knew that the heating was in with the rent .
6 What bothered me mo well wha one of the things that bothers me is the fact that he said that he would n't like to do hospital chaplaincy because he would n't like to go visiting because he 's got no small talk .
7 ‘ One of the things that struck me as an outsider , coming into the firm two and a half years ago , was that there was no accountability , ’ recalls Mel Smaje .
8 Erm , one of the things that depresses me , is probably the main thing that depresses me is not being valued for what I am or what I do and I think many women suffer from depression because their strengths and their creativity are not recognised and valued .
9 It 's one of the things that gets me down about it .
10 One of the things that surprised me when I first read the New Testament seriously was that it was always talking about a Dark Power in the universe — a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power behind death and disease , and sin .
11 This respect is summed up by a quote in In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman : ‘ You know , one of the things that strikes me most about McDonald 's is their people orientation .
12 I think that one of the things that get me at the moment is the time keeping , it 's very bad
13 Conservative loyalists said Mr Tebbit had made a blunder , but he showed no sign of backing off from ‘ one of the things that brought me into politics — the belief that immigration should be reduced ’ .
14 Increasingly I find that this kind of exchange — this candour , this reciprocity — is one of the things that keeps me trundling along .
15 One of the things that bothered me most in the villages of the Delta was the treatment given to women in childbirth .
16 And it is the exciting part of my job is to make these links work , start to build on them , and over our links in the city on the environmental and group with Tony Benn , that 's that 's doing a very good job , he is a platform for this , for each other , but I think there 's a lot more we can do locally erm within the city to build those links , and to work together for better answers for the city , and I hope that , on a practical level , one of the things that interested me was your grants team for local organisations , and I would like to think myself here today , we might look at the health authority , and try to join with them to make some erm practical contribution , particularly to those many carers , and groups of people who have problems , and we 're not all just professionals best able to put over during our normal nine-to-five or eight-to-eight days , we we can .
17 ‘ One of the things that worries me is too many parents allow their kids to see videos classified 15 or 18 .
18 But I think there is I mean something that ought to be mentioned one of the things that worries me is that there is n't here today a man of the type that I meet every day in Oxford who says ‘ sexual harassment ?
19 ‘ He 's one of the blokes that stops me viring ? ’
20 But this is one of the experiences that taught me very early in my career that I must do the opposite .
21 And , did continue to get professional help after that , but I think she was actually one of the factors that sent me further down , by telling me I looked well !
22 One of the factors that led me to sign up with the DIA was the idea that I might be able to do something for my friend Jerry Levin , who had been taken hostage in Beirut by Hezbollah , but as it happened he was released before I got out there .
23 I stayed wooden , afraid of the power that let me say those words ; afraid to hold him too hard or too close .
24 One of the fields that interests me in particular is that of motivic connections .
25 I had never really noticed before this common use of the label that identified me as a means to imply wilful ignorance .
26 ‘ It 's just the principle of the thing that struck me . ’
27 ‘ But that 's absurd really , because as soon as I 've … made love to anyone before — and it has n't been that often — I 've lost most of the feeling that led me there straight away , if you see what I mean . ’
28 Throughout that period I 've canvassed for the Labour Party , I 've campaigned for the Labour Party , I 've argued for the Labour Party and one of the items that made me join the Labour Party and one of the items I got other people to join the Labour Party was that Labour was a mass Party , because it consisted of hundreds of thousands of individual members and it consisted of millions of trade unionists .
29 Vermeer sprang to mind as there is also something about the intense luminosity of the effect of the light-boxes that reminded me of that unique concentration of light in paintings executed with the aid of camera obscuras ( ancestor of the camera ) .
30 Perhaps it was Nassim 's mention of the baby that sparked me off , however subconsciously .
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