Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] because [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 That was just about the only redeeming feature of that winter because it formed a kind of bridge which made walking up to the road a lot easier .
2 Under the old system , the Leader of the PLP would be seen to enjoy the confidence of that body because it had elected him through an exhaustive ballot .
3 I was fond of that duvet because I thought it was hers .
4 He disliked his Bible class of teenage boys because they misbehaved , but at times it was happy .
5 If on the other hand he wept on account of worldly things , or out of wrath because an enemy prevailed over him , or envy of another man because he possessed such abundance whilst he himself possessed none , then his prayer is docked , defective and void . ’
6 CHAMPION golfer Fred Couples has walked out on his wife of 12 years because she embarrassed him by dancing on a table , friends claimed last night .
7 ‘ Either at the request of some lady because it disturbed their bouncing on the royal bed .
8 I wanted to let you know of this initiative because I thought it might be possible to :
9 Elizabeth 's reign is now seen to be of crucial importance because it saw the completion of the Protestantization of the English people and witnessed the creation of a uniquely English style of Protestant church which was later to be labelled Anglicanism .
10 I know that Basil saw no simple future at the end of human life because we talked of this last summer ; neither can I. But I do believe that we live in a world whose climate of thought and feeling is created by human beings , many of whom have lived before us , often but little recognised .
11 As I say it 's one of these er competitive market things , but if you go into an electrical shop and you buy a piece of electrical equipment , or if you want er a plug for it , a piece of electrical equipment because you found out that the plug on the electrical equipment at home is defective , it 's got cracked porcelain or something like , then please have a word with the person who is selling you the plug and say look , this plug is gon na be fitted on X appliance .
12 The switch of tactics on the part of the war-tax resistance movement which can be dated back to 1977 is potentially of great significance because it provided the conditions in which a broad-based political campaign may be mounted , calling for a statutory right of tax diversion and relying on litigation as an auxiliary and subordinate weapon , instead of depending exclusively on litigation to try to bring about a change in the law directly .
13 The next antibiotic to be discovered , streptomycin , was of great value because it attacked microbes which were insensitive to penicillin , especially those which caused tuberculosis .
14 These changes are of considerable interest because they represented a major step towards the deregulation of the UK financial system — a process which is still continuing .
15 Serota , who danced with the Royal Ballet ( as Angela Beveridge ) , persuaded Bruce to apply for the position of artistic director because she believed he could restore Rambert to the forefront of British dance .
16 On the other hand though , it must be noted that this was an important phase of feminist film-making because it established a foothold in Britain for avant-garde work , extending an already existing interest in ( and audience for ) the films of continental women directors such as Agnes Varda and Marguerite Duras .
17 I remember feis as being the best part of Irish dancing because I got to be the centre of attention , albeit fleetingly .
18 The great extension of astronomical observations that began early in the 1960s brought about a revival of interest in the classical theory of general relativity because it seemed that many of the new phenomena that were being discovered , such as quasars , pulsars , and compact X-ray sources , indicated the existence of very strong gravitational fields — fields that could be described only by general relativity .
19 These were of particular interest because they confirmed suspicions that Syrian traffickers were developing close commercial ties with the Colombian cartels , trading heroin base for cocaine base and bartering either or both as required for arms supplies to terrorist and revolutionary groups around the world .
20 To men of the Middle Ages astronomy was of particular interest because it seemed to offer the best means of understanding , and possibly controlling , terrestrial events .
21 Many other desiderata of the socialist revolution came into the same category , but women 's education was of particular interest because it ran counter to widespread expectations shared by most men and probably most women .
22 I agree , okay on my lifestyle is n't enough , but I did n't think it was of any concern because I thought well , okay so what are you s what are you suggesting then ?
23 Even then , they can lose the post for the most bizarre reasons ; Downing Street myth has it that Richard Cobb failed on his first attempt to get the Oxford Chair of Modern History because he wore bicycle clips throughout his interview .
24 Many of the heads had voluntarily opted to trial a scheme of financial devolution because they had expected to benefit from it .
25 There was an element of Buck in both roles , and Voight already had experience in the wearing of Western gear because he had also been featured in the TV cowboy series Cimarron Strip and Gunsmoke .
26 Administration officials argue that Mr Bush 's speech at the United Nations was in fact a turning point in the US efforts to ban the prodictoion of chemical weapons because it created an atmosphere in which the Geneva negotiations are likley to be accelerated .
27 Accommodation and compromise have not characterized the attitudes and actions of the young university-educated activists of the DUP of recent years because they grew up in the zero-sum game , and even if they forgot its rules long enough to consider shifting the DUP 's aims , there is no reason to suppose that the voters would support them in their deviation .
28 ‘ I was shocked when Scot Gemmill was brought in for me at the start of last season because it came out of the blue .
29 Often the timbers were no more than columns of sort of dampish dust because they had n't been able to breathe in this kind of brick envelope .
30 He attacked the dominance of formal logic because it reflected a misplaced confidence in the powers of human reason .
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