Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] that [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Luke shook his head , his mouth curled into the kind of annoying smile that made her fingers itch to slap it away .
2 He was still looking at her ; appraisingly , with a sort of lazy sensuality that made something inside her twist tight .
3 Most of the people in Bonanza 's outfit had been aware that Mahoney was up to some kind of private business that kept him in the bucks more than whatever he earned from Bonanza .
4 She wore a fetching , knee-length black dress and a kind of Spanish headdress that made her look a little like a sherry advertisement .
5 When the three of them got up to leave , Melissa glanced across at Dora and met a look of concentrated malevolence that took her by surprise .
6 He was perceptive enough to know that she was suffering from some sort of emotional wound that had nothing to do with him .
7 They suffered the kind of cruel teasing that drew them together , regardless of past differences , into closely knit little groups sharing a common stigma .
8 There was something about the memory of that evening that made him uneasy .
9 Severed as I was from Father and from Helmut , living in a foreign country , was it the fear of further severance that kept me in this unequal concurrence ?
10 And , perhaps , with this act of treachery I can finally buy my freedom from the burden of buried horror that bound me to Andy twenty years ago , so that — dispossessed of that trespass — I 'm left free to betray him again , now .
11 The two grand old men of Arcueil , and , and the entire cult of French physics that surrounded them are entertainingly dissected through the period when French physics moved from uncompromising support of newtonianism to its near rejection with the wave theory of light .
12 It was proving to be an ideal choice of holiday with a programme of free activities that gave us an easy opportunity to make friends with the guests form other nations who gave the Club such a cosmopolitan atmosphere .
13 He had a sense of humour about him and , I suppose , a kind of lesser quirkiness that made him very natural in the part .
14 Is there anything about the preparation of this operation that caused you to dissatisfaction ?
15 She turned on Walter Ash and reviled him for allowing her to hope , and indeed , despite the final outcome , it was his dangerous encouragement of this scheme that prefaced her final disillusion with him .
16 Airhead , especially , put on an impressive live showing of reliable pop that belied their rather ordinary singles .
17 You had your certain lot of wee machines that helped you to do things but more or less it was all done with the hand .
18 Then , as now , each year could be defined by one king-hell slice of perfect pop that said it all .
19 During the rest hours and at night , he had turned his face to the wall and cried over their shared youth and all the bonds of sun and blowing grass and long evenings full of the sound of tumbling rooks that tied their lives together .
20 My definition of harmful treatment would embrace not just treatment that exposed me to risk without any hope of compensating benefit but treatment of unproved efficacy that diverted me from having other treatments that were of proved value .
21 He caught a glimpse of the fair hair and saw that she was talking to someone he recognised as the drummer from the band ; the whole group was there , giving an impromptu concert on tin whistles to the tired hikers sleeping on their rucksacks undaunted by the howl and shriek of the space-invader machines on the other side , a cacophony of mechanical rage that deafened him together with the thin notes of a rebel song .
22 But the fine fuzz of tiny spines that covered it in life are not present .
23 It was her air of nervous tension that set her apart from the other passengers as she jumped from the train at Stowbridge , searching the platform with a fraught expression that only partially lifted when she caught sight of Melissa .
24 The port principally connected with this was Bristol , and it may have been the existence of surplus tonnage that led its seamen to turn their attention to new ventures in the fifteenth century , including both attempts to penetrate the Mediterranean trade and the later voyages into the Atlantic .
25 So I guess the bucket of cold water that hit me in the face did n't come as much of a surprise .
26 But it was the latter who paved the way for the evolution of vestigial limbs that enabled them to crawl onto the land .
27 But it would be wrong to suppose that the final community in such a sequence had some kind of privileged status that guaranteed its stability .
28 He was in black — a thick high-necked sweater and , she noticed when he got up and came round the side of the desk , a pair of black corduroys that moulded his thighs as if tailored specially for him , as indeed they probably had been .
29 You must always think of him in those terms , to get the flavour of Calvinistic humbug that ruled his life , and therefore everyone around him . ’
30 His tongue teased at her lips until she opened them helplessly , allowing him to deepen the kiss , his tongue stroking hers in an act of burning sexuality that had her sagging against him .
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