Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] that [vb past] she " in BNC.

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1 She wore a fetching , knee-length black dress and a kind of Spanish headdress that made her look a little like a sherry advertisement .
2 When the three of them got up to leave , Melissa glanced across at Dora and met a look of concentrated malevolence that took her by surprise .
3 It was her air of nervous tension that set her apart from the other passengers as she jumped from the train at Stowbridge , searching the platform with a fraught expression that only partially lifted when she caught sight of Melissa .
4 Lindsey stood in the doorway , conscious of a sudden tension in her limbs , a feeling of blind panic that made her want to draw back .
5 Heat flared along her veins , ripple after ripple of heady sensation that shook her to the very depths .
6 And every time he came anywhere near her he seemed to generate a sort of static electricity that left her feeling angry and confused .
7 They had been busy in the department all day , a steady stream of non-urgent cases that kept her occupied and largely out of his way — until the middle of the afternoon , at any rate .
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