Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These relate largely to the ability of budget-holding GPs to determine and control what hospital treatment is supplied to their patients .
2 In fact , the Generalísimo 's unprecedented attentions to the visitor were no more , but also no less , than a lavish propaganda exercise designed as a show of political strength to conceal or shore up the underlying economic weakness and isolation of the regime .
3 While it remains ( in theory at least ) the prerogative of each agency to decide whether to co-operate with the overall plan , they are at least expected to notify the key worker if they intend to deviate from what has been agreed .
4 Recent pressure to end the obligation of junior officers to salute or stand in the presence of their seniors and recommendations to scrap the existing discipline code for a new ‘ code of ethics ’ applicable equally to all had dangerous implications , said Deputy Assistant Commissioner Lawrence Roach .
5 The denial of the use of that gift to evaluate and perpetuate the nature of the ‘ god ’ of the religion , and therefore its very foundation , is something which humanity must resist at all costs .
6 Until 1986 , the principal legislation affecting building society business was the Building Societies Act 1962 , which gave considerable powers to the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies to supervise and constrain the conduct of societies ' business .
7 Lack of adequate time to organize and manage your day is too vague a concept .
8 The reasoned , the reasoned proposals which are contained in a very thought out amen which has in fact contains ideas submitted by many different people of different persuasions to try and ensure that ideas could be erm worked at solidly does break the endless delays .
9 The National Rifle Association , founded in 1871 , holds that honour and supports the natural and constitutional right of free men to keep and bear arms .
10 On March 3 the government had announced the creation of a human rights department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to examine and promote human rights in Iraq and abroad .
11 This does not , of course , have any bearing upon whether or not there are such laws of social life to discover or imply that the survey method ought to be abandoned .
12 US Intelligence was surprised by the readiness of some Panamanians to fight and die for their leader , forcing the US troops besieging barracks at Fort Amador to bring in 105mm howitzers to blast away pockets of mortar and sniper fire .
13 They may well have been in the right : the tendency of some Merovingians to take and discard wives at will , that is to practise serial monogamy , meant that there was no clearly defined family tree .
14 It is the aim of this research to tabulate and collate the unpublished information to provide a published resum'e of the most extensive data on prices and wages ever compiled in this country .
15 If at the time any claim arises under this Policy there is any other existing insurance covering the same loss damage or liability the Corporation shall not be liable except under Part C of this Policy to pay or contribute more than its rateable proportion of any loss damage compensation costs or expenses .
16 6 Light Full right of liberty at any time after the date of this Lease to alter or to erect new structures within or adjoining the Centre ( such expression here excluding the Premises ) in such manner as the Landlord shall think fit notwithstanding the fact that the same may obstruct affect or interfere with the amenity of or access to the Premises or the passage of light and air to the Premises It may be as well to include the words in parenthesis to remove any suggestion that the landlord may have the right to alter the premises .
17 Now the shootings at more than 600 estates and on moorlands will continue until the middle of this month to try and break last year 's record of 24,000 hinds killed .
18 It is the aim of this paper to extend and explore these themes with reference to my particular interest , twentieth century British popular housing design .
19 Fathers who , for example , induce their daughters of this age to fellate or masturbate them would thus become liable for incest .
20 A consequence of this fact is the development of cognitive categories to describe and process gender-related information ’ ( Deaux et al .
21 For the institutions of liberal democracy to function as intended , namely according to the principles and practices of representative and responsible government , they need to be supported by the appropriate relations of capitalist production .
22 The development of appropriate mechanisms to initiate and sustain the continuity of support and funding is a problem common to OECD member countries .
23 It is of paramount importance to realise and appreciate the value of deep groundstrokes .
24 Plugged in , you get the benefit of the Harmonic Enhancer , which offers controllable amounts of additional harmonics to brighten and colour the sound .
25 Because of the uncertainty of the outcome of future attempts to develop and test a research programme , it can never be said of any programme that it has degenerated beyond all hope .
26 The failure of such tensions to overturn or revolutionize the social structure has rested in the way in which individuals have been socialized and the fundamental norms according to which the society operates .
27 Provided proper procedures are established and followed to ensure their incorporation into the business 's contracts , contracts can be concluded by relatively junior employees whilst the terms can limit or exclude the power of such employees to negotiate or vary the business 's obligations .
28 If on the other hand residential accommodation is granted for a term at a rent with exclusive possession , the landlord providing neither attendance nor services , the grant is a tenancy ; any express reservation to the landlord of limited rights to enter and view the state of the premises and to repair and maintain the premises only serves to emphasise the fact that the grantee is entitled to exclusive possession and is a tenant .
29 The use of radiolabelled leucocytes to localise and estimate disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease provides an objective technique for the assessment of disease activity .
30 development of conscious ability to postpone or initiate micturition .
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