Example sentences of "of [noun] and [noun] be [be] " in BNC.

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1 When someone suggests something as opposed to insisting on it , we enjoy the fact that our powers of discrimination and judgement are being recognised .
2 Canoe-loads of coral and sand were being ferried from the beach to fill her empty hold , for she could not sail against the monsoon to Makassar without ballast .
3 Furthermore , nationalism in all its many forms , is the continuing , and largely unconscious , search for personal identity in societies where relations of blood and kin are being lost .
4 An investigation into the use and effects of synthetic gill nets around the coast of England and Wales is being undertaken by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
5 This year the British Association of Sport and Medicine is being organised by its Scottish Committee .
6 Pieces of eggshell and membrane are being examined to study possible environmental contamination in the condor 's natural food chain .
7 The bosun was directing a mammoth cleaning and scrubbing operation ; a new set of scarves and banners were being bent onto halyards ready for hoisting , and every piece of brass in sight was being polished .
8 As with every theory that seems at first to have an obvious answer to every problem , the beautifully simple picture is becoming smudged , the two obvious large plates of Africa and Europe are being confused by the " microplates " of the eastern Mediterranean .
9 In a voluntary way a voluntary capacity working I mean in in this sense in my there is a sense of responsibility and I find that good and challenging which is perhaps one of the reasons why I like doing these courses because you you er a certain amount of stress and responsibility is is .
10 ‘ The question of education and health was being discussed in the run up to the Edinburgh Summit and at the summit , ’ said Claridge .
11 For example , suppose that the prevailing level of income were £50 million : as can be seen from Table 1 , this would mean that £50 million worth of goods and services were being produced when aggregate demand was only £46 million .
12 In other words , we can write : It is preferable ( and usual ) to measure the value of total output at factor cost rather than in market prices , otherwise an increase in indirect taxation or a reduction in subsidies would have the effect of raising the estimate of total output even when no greater quantity of goods and services was being produced .
13 An organism that produces a skeleton of stone and lives in an environment where deposits of ooze and sand are being laid down , is an ideal subject for fossilisation .
14 A PILOT education campaign to help sufferers of arthritis and rheumatism is being targeted on north Essex .
15 Currently , NERIS , the National Educational Resource Information Service from the Department of Trade and Industry is being planned .
16 Can you identify which maxims of co-operation and politeness are being obeyed or flouted ?
17 Through these kinds of dramas ( the wage negotiation annual one ) the remainder of workers can feel that their uncomfortable feelings of anger and paranoia are being dealt with so they can continue to hold the position of withdrawal , thus avoiding the pain of their real feelings .
18 Vast quantities of beer and food were being consumed .
19 In many ports , joint meetings of shipowners and men were being held for the discussion of grievances .
20 In analysing the new acting Ferguson was nearer the mark when he suggested that the movies were now coming up with richer and more vital people but Daugherty 's comments serve to remind us that techniques and styles which should have been feeding into a new cinema of experimentation and realism were being used rather to bolster old conventions of melodrama .
21 Nevertheless , as already suggested , wages did not decrease at the height of the slump of 1929 to 1933 at anything like the level of reductions which occurred in the early 1920s and some type of stability and balance was being established .
22 THE best of east and west are being fused together in a new joint venture designed to give Courtaulds a dynamic presence in coil coatings throughout Europe .
23 By the mid-1970s the general policy of winning the confidence of the farming organizations and working on the basis of persuasion and advice was being increasingly questioned .
24 When God is posited as the First Cause , the very ideas of cause and effect are being torn out of the context in which they properly belong , that of the perceived regularities in the world of which we are aware .
25 Even so , there was broad agreement that this evidence of innovation and vibrancy was being achieved at the cost of institutional inertia , a reluctance to champion enterprise , and an avoidance of any deep-seated restoration of the national economy .
26 The health districts of Cheltenham and Gloucester are being combined next month and will be known in future as Gloucestershire Health Authority
27 I think that really does lead us back to the starting point which is the County Council 's view that er er that comprehensive study needs to be done as a matter of urgency and steps are being taken to get that work moving very soon now .
28 In the city where James Watt had harnessed the pressure of steam to create the Industrial Revolution , thousands of men and women were being driven into the Square by the piston of Government , fearful that another revolution was in the making .
29 Large quantities of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen are being emitted into the atmosphere by the combustion of fossil fuels and industrial processes , and these gases are being converted into strong acids ( sulphuric and nitric ) which lead to many areas experiencing precipitation of a very low acidity .
30 A number of conferences and seminars are being organised .
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