Example sentences of "of [noun] which is [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 A person 's previous research experience will obviously determine the level of research which is to be begun .
2 For example if one is evaluating a trigram x→y→z , x and y are decided upon , it is the nature of z which is to be classified .
3 There is another , more subtle effect of exercise which is to be gained from pushing ourselves periodically to the limits of our endurance , and beyond .
4 It is in fact only rarely openly acknowledged by other anthropologists , though the blanket rejection of evolution which is to be found in the work of many seems to imply .
5 Above all they believe that that must be said of Christ which is to be said of no other human being .
6 The specific role of bishops which is to be exercised in communion with the see of Peter in ensuring the unity and continuity of the faith is vital if we are to hand on the faith of Peter , Gregory and Augustine .
7 For a particular package of software which is to be assessed for quality assurance , LIFESPAN will produce a discrepancy list between the tight and loose coupling relations in order to show to the assessor those modules which the designer thought were necessary but which are not however called up by the package .
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