Example sentences of "of [noun] have [verb] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 An enormous amount of research has gone on in the last few decades into how and when settlements originated and how they have changed over time .
2 This is the second new recording of Kismet to have come along in the last couple of years .
3 He was Desmond , he was young and bright and flattered that a man had come from the Security Service to see him , and agreeably surprised that a Field Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation had ended up in his stockinged feet in his front room .
4 This paranoid fear of a Catholic insurrection was heightened in 1641 by the news that the Catholic Irish of Ulster had risen up in armed rebellion against the Protestant settlers of that province , and it subsequently became one of the most powerful influences motivating those who took up arms against Charles I in the civil war .
5 Your otherwise excellent cover version album was sadly marred by a long speech detailing how annoying it is that the price of eggs has gone up in Narodny-Karabakh .
6 This is not the first time the issue of control has come up in this column but because yours is a sign that tends to resist going with the flow , all too often you meet people and circumstances that appear to block your path .
7 I can inform the Secretary of State straight away that there is a much more immediate cause seriously impairing ’ the ability of the Agency to deliver a proper service ’ and that is the swingeing cuts in staff numbers of up to one third in each local office that the Secretary of State has carried through in the past two years under the operational strategy .
8 There is some evidence that the rate of increase has slowed down in the 1980s , but there still were more than 160,000 divorces in 1985 .
9 Round it a prolific jungle of weeds had grown up in the otherwise bare yard .
10 This is supposed to be the strongest set of women to have turned up in rock for ages , but it 's not healthy if it 's based on f—ed -up women . ’
11 Instead what seems to have happened is that groups of adults have sat around in various political and educational ivory towers , deciding in an arbitrary and subjective manner what they think a 14-year-old should be able to achieve .
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