Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun pl] [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 reallocation of update rights should not require the relocation of data , or the renaming of files
2 Of course members would not wish to lose their hard won membership , and a renewed request is now made for all 1992 subscriptions unpaid .
3 The game is therefore useful in illustrating the kinds of strategies animals can not adopt .
4 It was reported that a small altar dominated his room , decorated with the withered heads of animals forensics could not identify , its centre-piece an idol of such explicitly sexual a nature no newspaper dared publish a sketch of it , let alone a photograph .
5 Only the rich can ski in Switzerland which makes for a degree of civilisation neighbours ca n't match .
6 Hence the presence of entry barriers may not mean there are too few firms in the industry , there may actually be too many ( von Weizsacker , 1980 ) .
7 Also , the feared return of large numbers of KGB agents may not have been the only operational reason to influence the intelligence men to fear the election of a Labour government under the premiership of Harold Wilson .
8 Due to the nature of the task , manual analyses of employee records could not guarantee accuracy .
9 Thus , if the taxpayer created a discretionary trust before 18 March 1986 and is a beneficiary thereunder , the reservation of benefit provisions can not apply .
10 Most of the current crop of England players can not help Gooch .
11 Even the best examples of habitat types can not exist in isolation like islands of richness in a sea of poverty .
12 Jesus , half of SCUM supporters could nt name the side 5 years ago , let alone 40 years ago .
13 If the position of power that comes about when shareholders combine their property in a company is damaging in either of these ways , then an invocation of ownership rights will not constitute a conclusive justification .
14 It believes that audit committees and the obligatory rotation of audit partners may not go far enough to convince the public of their independence , and suggests that shareholders should be more involved in appointing auditors , determining the scope of the audit , and in the decision to obtain other services from the auditing firm .
15 But perhaps if they had listened to what folk-legend had maintained for thousands of years neurobiologists would not have been so surprised at the learning and memory capacity of the bees .
16 A detailed analysis of wall sockets will not reveal the true nature of the electron nor the source of the electrical power .
17 Thus , for example , in regard to proceedings in court , the mere absence of UK qualifications will not disqualify an EC lawyer from acting so long as he is instructed with and acts in conjunction with a UK lawyer .
18 Preparation of sales benefits should not result in an inflexible sales approach .
19 The Uruguay round of trade talks can not restart until Japan 's position on agricultural reform shifts more , America 's State Department said .
20 DEPARTMENT of Trade inspectors should not pass judgments on individuals , NatWest chairman Lord Alexander yesterday told a Commons trade and industry committee hearing .
21 Put that way , who would be high on the list of people women would n't like to get the kiss of life from ?
22 We suggest that the mere passage of RTW laws will not eradicate unions that are already established : they will continue to extract a rent associated with the wage differential .
23 Throughout this discussion I will be emphasising the idea that the study of sex differences can not help having a political dimension , because the male/female difference is so important for the organisation of the societies in which studies of difference are done .
24 I 've been looking for a pair of doctor martins ca n't find any .
25 Consider the position of the chief officers operational independence which is the immense strength of our system and indeed our guarantee that all powerful politicians in Whitehall and for that matter , members of police authorities can not apply improper pressures on the police .
26 you know , I think I mean , I mean he even to going back to college doing a couple of A levels would n't alter his benefit .
27 Amelia McLean also pointed out that skill was at stake : " fortunately , the majority of women workers can not see their way to join that union , as they claim to be skilled workers " .
28 A NATIONAL shortage of school governors will not affect North Yorkshire , county councillors have been assured .
29 In fact , by the year 2000 the number of school leavers will not have returned to the 1970 level and is predicted to continue to fall to an all-time low in 1993/4(2) .
30 But the glamour of track events must n't overshadow the historic achievement of Steve Redgrave in the less popular but equally tough sport of rowing .
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