Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It takes its structure from a set of correspondences between elements and persons , and the old definition of temperament as a mixture of qualities is present to the reader 's mind — the same definition that permits us to think of Faussone as a part of Levi , or as his alter ego .
2 Once again , ionization from the ground-state of the molecule leads to the formation of ions in a series of vibrational states , and the UPS band shows a progression with ( see Fig. 6.12 ) .
3 The increases in excise tax included increasing the federal gasoline tax from 9 to 14 cents per gallon , the renewal of the tax on airline tickets , increased from 8 to 10 per cent , the doubling of taxes on a six-pack of beer from 16 to 32 cents , increased taxes on wines and spirits , and a tax increase ( from 16 cents a pack to 20 cents ) on cigarettes .
4 Cypress Semiconductor Corp returned to profitability in the first quarter of 1993 ended March 29 , reporting net income of $2.4m against a loss of $23.7m in the fourth quarter , on revenues of $69.5m , up 3% .
5 Before she left for Moscow , Semenyaka talked to me about the British public 's fond picture of Russians as a nation of artists , who dance because they need to .
6 If you mark your weight on a graph or chart this should provide a clear and rewarding sign of progress over a period of weeks and months .
7 Marsh and Campbell ( 1982 ) attribute the lack of progress to a number of factors , including the difficulty of studying aggression both in laboratory and naturalistic settings , and to the compartmentalization of the academic world which leads to lack of communication across disciplines .
8 Instead , comparison of progress with a checklist of internationally agreed good practice would be more helpful , though of course , knowledge of what constitutes good practice can only emerge after experience has accumulated .
9 It provides them with an opportunity to spend a short period of time , usually two or three weeks , at work , doing a job , but also asking questions and canvassing a range of opinions on a variety of issues .
10 In 1992 we extended our programme of support to a variety of charities , particularly those related to local community projects and where employees are directly involved .
11 We have extended our programme of support to a variety of charitable organisations particularly those related to local community projects and where employees are directly involved .
12 Despite this , there were significant differences , reflecting the PSOE 's social base of support as a party of the left , and the particular dynamic of the transition to democracy .
13 One can certainly see why it makes sense to retain these structures of support in a situation of relatively recent migration into a society which can be extremely hostile .
14 We are taking active steps to ensure that practising actuaries keep up with the rapid pace of change through a programme of Continuing Professional Development .
15 Classical physics tends to express things in terms of second order differential equations , that is ones involving the rate of change of a rate of change , whilst [ 9 ] is first order — it just incorporates a simple rate of change .
16 The growth of merchant and banking capitalism , as well as the spread of rural manufacturing ( from 1400 ) , began processes of change in a series of connected districts — from the leading area , northern Italy , to Flanders and the Baltic .
17 The other end of the scale the erm Sun gets much of its editorial exclusives and material often running to five or six pages erm by covering the Royal Family erm in terms of language in that in the language used , the Sun erm tends to adopt a very simple writing style of one adjective erm sorry one verb and a number of adjectives with a couple of nouns , tends to be sentence went off around ten to twelve words and the design is also quite interesting because they like to sort of leave things out so you have a paragraph in normal type and then a paragraph in bold with big splodges next to it to highlight it .
18 As it came away from the cold flesh , so she cut it into strips , and she wrapped each strip of skin around a piece of bone .
19 This use of hair as a symbol of social disorder reflects Benthall 's contention ( 1976 ) that an obsessive interest in the body was a result of people turning to its use as a medium of expression , because of their individual inability to shape modern technological and bureaucratic society .
20 The significance of cinema as a medium of mass entertainment and therefore as a potentially suitable weapon for political control was recognised by Lenin when he remarked , ‘ Of all the arts , for us cinema is the most important . ’
21 The report includes brief details of investments with a value of over £5m , plus an analysis of the portfolio by geographical region and industrial sector .
22 Sybil Hurcombe has sold hundreds of copies of a book of poems which she wrote in memory of her daughter , Lorraine .
23 Therefore , this T lymphocyte product has been implicated as an important mediator of pathology in a variety of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions .
24 The first of SERA 's seminars for 1993 is planned for April at Napier University as an important step in launching a research network ( see below ) The Gender in Education Network currently being established hopes to draw on a wide range of expertise from a variety of institutions .
25 On Sept. 16 , in his first report as UN Secretary-General , Boutros Boutros-Ghali defined the UN 's mission as one of " transforming a period of hope into an era of completed tasks " .
26 Overnight a highly suspect communist renegade was transformed into an eternally youthful dissident communist , a beacon of hope for a generation of young men and women rebelling against the anarchronistic irrelevance of an outmoded educational system and the serial alienation of a post-industrial society .
27 Yet it is the merest hint of hope in a story of otherwise unbroken tragedy .
28 Malaysia 's Prime Minister , Mahathir Mohamed , has accused Western campaigners of using the Penan people of Sarawak as a means of promoting the interests of temperate timber over tropical hardwood .
29 We can regard the statistical argument about numbers of planets as an argument of last resort .
30 Inman was retired prematurely and his post abolished , and Hunt was given an annual salary of £1,000 for a minimum of one day a week at the Office , although according to the Secretary , he was usually there ‘ nearly half a week ’ .
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