Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And in terms of unity there is n't a very good chance of unity with British feminists right now in this country because whenever we start discussing our issues , out comes the racism , out comes the attempts to monopolise our struggle .
2 A failure to give proper levels of support to informal carers not only reduces their own quality of life and that of the relative or friend they care for , but is also potentially inefficient as it can lead to less personally appropriate care being offered .
3 Institutional problems are one thing ; the problem of interfacing with local communities quite another .
4 That the semi-official history of the party should have eschewed discussion of Conservatism as an ideology is not surprising , but a prominent British Marxist scholar has conceded that ‘ the Tory tradition is not best understood as a tradition of ideas ’ and the introduction to a recent collection of essays on Edwardian Conservatism also accepts that ‘ Conservatism is not an ideology , but a frame of mind , an outlook , a general approach ’ .
5 A report suggesting a slight rise in house prices brought a further glimmer of hope for embattled homeowners yesterday .
6 A rather higher proportion ( n.s. ) of referrals to the specialist team came in the form of requests for general assessment rather than for specific services .
7 In other words , the agreement offers privileges of protection to one group not afforded to others .
8 While most cavalry lack the rank bonus , their ability to charge in and kill large numbers of enemies before that enemy even gets to strike back means that they are just as capable of inflicting catastrophic defeat .
9 You can see there 's been a wee bit of damage to that ligament just where it goes down over the top of that bone .
10 Although there are some dissenters , it seems to be accepted that a lifetime of attachment to one company together with seniority promotions and group bonus schemes for all workers did not become a common practice until the 1950s .
11 Apart from the small number of houses in rural areas where water is obtained from a suitable private source like a spring , mountain stream or well , most water is provided through pipes which are called ‘ mains ’ .
12 In general Parker Morris standards and yardstick limits made the development of small numbers of houses in rural locations very uneconomical , and , in response to this and other criticisms , their discontinuation was announced in January 1980 ; instead , cost estimates and project details were to be submitted directly for Department of the Environment approval .
13 But I do n't I have to keep in touch of course with all companies how we 're doing .
14 Well then , also at dusk , of course , the other thing that made us more tired than ever , the Air Raid siren used to go off at night , so then the oil rooms are checked , and you can hear it going over , and you know how the German planes used to go , but you could hear it going over and of course in that black-out then , they used to in the moon light bright along the river Severn , we used to hear them going over and we used to think ’ Are they going to Bristol tonight , or Birmingham or Buckingham ; whether you 'd want to know ’ .
15 And then even within two of you mentioned the European Commission , now the Commission is of course a part of what 's nown now known as the European Union erm it 's a particular branch but even within the broader framework , parts can play an important role erm within international affairs and the Commission has a particular role , not just within the European Union , but of course in international affairs generally .
16 It was n't put here , unfortunately of course in this case there have been no witness statements exchanged .
17 Of course in local industry here we 're very strong , or were very strong in the traditional electromechanical teleprinter field , and erm they have now moved into microelectronic solutions for such things and indeed , again , they 're very strong in local industry here , and they 're finding that the flexibility offered by using a microcomputer , not to mention the reliability and so on , is again greatly enhanced by the use the microcomputer rather than traditional movement of keys through bars and so on through to the heads , say , of the device .
18 Interests theories degenerate into the pursuit of patterns of distributive justice instead of circumscribing the scope of protected autonomous action by reference to the need to respect the liberty of others .
19 Yet his possession of patterns of sexual dimorphism closely comparable to those of the modern gelada baboon point with equal force to the supposition that modern man acquired along with those gross features of bodily structure behavioural propensities appropriate to them .
20 In such ways teleological tales of race and racism reinforce the imagined community of resistance at those points where divisions of class , gender or ethnicity threaten to break through .
21 Bearing the name of Mandela , and in her own right , she increasingly became one of the symbols of resistance to racist tyranny both at home and abroad .
22 As it was , I believe my judgement proved quite sound on the question of timing ; the fact that things turned out as they did is entirely attributable to an error of judgement in another direction altogether .
23 Rather there should be only one set of notes for each subject regardless of source .
24 The corrected sum of the number of cases with congenital abnormalities was calculated as unc where N i is the number of cases with congenital abnormalities out of n i births .
25 Well there 's a couple of hours of good telly on tonight .
26 This would bring the total number of hours under both orders down to 240 .
27 Among 212 people between the ages of 16 and 65 , only 88 of whom had been disabled before 18 years of age , enquiry was made as to range and frequency of experience in sexual practices generally .
28 But I almost owe it to the reborn me not to take that kind of shit from any man again .
29 One of the funny things that did er talking about the kettle though is that er er the number of times on full removals where You know with my re little removals you 've only got ten foot front to back , but some of these vans are huge , there 's there 's there 's twenty to thirty foot of van virtually to front .
30 Do not repeat this more than a couple of times in rapid succession however , because otherwise the dog may start to interpret this as a game .
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