Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb past] [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But a wind of change had already begun to blow at Newport Pagnell .
2 The chairman of TVL did not seem offended by the implied criticism .
3 Dow Corning , the biggest US manufacturer of implants had already stopped supplying implants in the US and Europe before the moratorium was imposed .
4 The acquisition of grave-clothes did not need to wait until death , and many a young bride-to-be , especially in the more remote country areas , included such items in their trousseaus , either buying them ready-made from one of the known outlets , or having them made by a local seamstress , or producing them herself .
5 Mary of Guise had apparently managed to do , in one year , what Henry VIII and Somerset had failed to do in seven .
6 In Staffordshire the forest of Cannock had virtually ceased to exist by the end of Elizabeth 's reign , and in Kinver Forest only Iverley Hay remained in the hands of the Crown , and even there the deer had disappeared , and the woods for the most part had been cut down .
7 He had been very noticeably kind over the past few days : thoughtful , and seeming more mature and sensible , as though the imminence of marriage had indeed begun to bring about that change of which my elders spoke — the settling down , as it was called .
8 The Bank of England did not appear to have fully considered the problems of financial change at the introduction of the Medium Term Financial Strategy ( MTFS ) .
9 The Tribunal stated first that the standard of work did not appear to have suffered because of the practice to which the employer objected .
10 One might even argue that if that elusive mantle of desirability had n't happened to fall on my shoulders on that of all evenings …
11 An advertising campaign that went on about the law of averages did n't seem to help when much of the press criticism rounded on the Escort as exactly a car for Mr Average .
12 Declaring that she was ‘ totally and utterly ’ against the use of BST which the majority of farmers did n't want to use .
13 Declaring that she was ‘ totally and utterly ’ against the use of BST which the majority of farmers did n't want to use .
14 ‘ It appears that the Barnes lawyers and , by inference , the National Gallery of Art did not want to hear from me any comments questioning the indecent and dangerous haste in the timetable for the exhibition ’ , Stolow wrote in a 29 March letter to a member of Congress .
15 In Breen v. Amalgamated Engineering Union a majority of the Court of Appeal held that a disciplinary committee of a trade union did not have to tell a shop steward why they had refused to endorse his election , and in McInnes v. Onslow-Fane it was held that the council of the Boxing Board of Control did not have to give an applicant for a manager 's licence an outline of their objections to him .
16 By referring to ‘ any proceedings brought because of an alleged odour nuisance ’ it is clear that the Department of Environment did not intend to restrict the occasions when adherence to the code of practice may , at the discretion of the court be a relevant consideration .
17 The Chiefs of Staff did not want to do this , and the Defence Committee was worried lest the Korean conflict should divert attention from other danger-spots in Asia and blind Britain to the risk to which it was exposed in Europe .
18 When the Speaker called for questioners , a forest of bodies shot up wanting to speak .
19 As she dragged Susan 's limp form away from the fire , she noticed with one part of her brain that a sheet of paper had just begun to burn .
20 So that folk maybe in the sort of parish did n't have to walk into the village to get it .
21 The Lords of Trade did not have to take such a close interest in the activities of the chartered companies , but the three large companies trading outside Europe were clearly providing London with trade that could not come in any other way .
22 A group of people had just finished haytiming at a farm called Pikestone , in Holwick , and began to cross the swing bridge across the Tees .
23 A representative from the College of Arms had kindly agreed to come and talk about heraldry .
24 Aid workers from the Bosnia Aid Committee of Oxford had apparently gone missing for 4 days in the war zone .
25 The class of games analyzed above seem to have a number of possible applications to economics .
26 Although the musical ascendancy of Italy did not begin to assert itself immediately after the deaths of Josquin and Isaac and their great contemporaries , Pierre de La Rue and Loyset Compere , its foundations were already laid .
27 It reported that while members of CSCE had already agreed to allocate US$1,000,000 , the centre had requested " 50 per cent more without giving valid reasons " .
28 In the study by Holly et al 18% of female cases and 14% of controls reported ever having had anal intercourse .
29 v. Commission of the European Communities ( Joined Cases 154/78 , 205/78 , 206/78 , 226/78 , 227/78 , 228/78 , 263/78 , 264/78 , 31/79 , 39/79 , 83/79 , 85/79 ) [ 1980 ] E.C.R. 907 that the guarantee afforded to the ownership of property did not extend to protect commercial interests , the uncertainties of which were part of the very essence of economic activity .
30 Indeed the amount of oil spilt worldwide has fallen since the 1970s while the volume shipped has grown .
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