Example sentences of "of [noun] [unc] [noun] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There were women present who were more beautiful than she was , notably the blonde beside Luke Scott and Nicky Kai , the world-famous Taiwanese ex-model , but the languid sway of Maria 's hips above long slim legs drew attention , as did her unusual colouring , an exotic combination of olive-toned skin , streaky brown and blonde hair and eyes that could be anything from copper to amber , depending on her mood .
2 If any greater certainty could be given then it could be done only by an unacceptable narrowing of the duty to restrict it to a part of the auditors responsibilities and we 're also concerned that to do so could have potentially wide ranging implications for the scope of auditor 's functions more generally .
3 David , David and James would you erm please report to the Head of Department 's office straight away following this lecture .
4 Marx carried the criticism of Hegel 's position much further , and he is equally critical of the young Hegelians .
5 Combined with the number of companies already doing business in Japan , 71% of Scotland 's exporters either already trade with Japan or would actively like to do so .
6 We have had a few of Lionan 's men here once or twice , some wounded .
7 A feature of Pauling 's theory now largely forgotten is that the chain of amino acids in a protein can , at least in principle , be twisted either to the left or the right , giving both left and right-handed helical structures .
8 But the tenth-century reformers based themselves , in Odo of Cluny 's case very consciously , on the monastic dispensations of Benedict of Aniane ( note the name ) , Louis the Pious 's great monastic adviser ( d. 822 ) .
9 If there were any of Serafin 's replies here then I might have rather more insight into his side of the story …
10 superficially at least ; some claims to general application , even if the empirical reference is distant This definition suits the highly abstract nature of Pareto 's model very well .
11 This patronising attitude of the party authorities towards the young generation of China 's intelligentsia only further alienated young people from the party and from socialism .
12 The edition of Boswell 's Tour now generally available only refers obliquely to a lack of warmth , and to Boswell 's own ‘ spleen ’ while staying there — all this notwithstanding that the beautiful ( and pregnant ) Lady Macdonald was a cousin of Boswell 's .
13 As she lay between the sheets , Hari felt a great restlessness grip her , she thought of Craig 's face so close to hers and she could barely breathe for the confused emotions that raced through her .
14 Some of Dowland 's ayres almost certainly came from masques ; the Ayres ( 1609 ) of Alfonso Ferrabosco the younger ( c. 1575–1628 ) , the completely Anglicized son of ‘ the elder ’ , include a number composed for Ben Jonson 's earlier masques and one , ‘ Come my Celia ’ , from his music to Jonson 's Volpone ; Thomas Campion ( 1567–1620 ) , better poet than composer , was much concerned in the writing and production of masques ; while Robert Jones and Philip Rosseter , masters of the lighter type of ayre , were also men of the theatre .
15 Both Valse triste and the ‘ Berceuse ’ from The Tempest are no doubt glamorized but powerfully felt , and in the ‘ Berceuse ’ Stokowski evokes the magical atmosphere of Prospero 's island as powerfully as did Beecham ( EMI , 7/90 ) .
16 The Secretary of State 's duty so far as the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge are concerned , is only to ‘ consult . ’
17 Women continue to struggle against the tide of agencies like LEDU and are beginning to force these agencies to take the issue of women 's employment more seriously .
18 Taking a leaf out of Madonna 's book once more , Kylie had punished her tiny body with a strict daily keep fit routine .
19 Yet with its helpful acoustic the Chandos recording captures the richness of White 's voice most attractively , very characteristically black in is evocations .
20 Nothing could happen until the evening , but then Lucy got her chance to see the inside of Charlie 's office much sooner than she 'd expected .
21 It can not be said , on the other hand , that he goes very deep or that we can ever take the idea of Michael 's art very seriously .
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