Example sentences of "of [noun] [be] [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 The presence of moisture was found to be necessary to promote chemical weathering and weaken the rock sufficiently for disintegration to occur .
2 THE Beast of Exmoor is believed to be on the prowl again after a giant mystery cat terrified a family on a lonely road .
3 The average relative abundances of all skeletal elements for three species of owl were found to be as follows : great horned owl , 51.5 per cent ; barn owl , 62.7 per cent ; and screech owl , 46.5 per cent ( Dodson & Wexlar , 1979 ) .
4 Suppose , however , that I simulate or even by coincidence pass through whatever sequence of states is taken to be sufficient for the conscious episode of feeling the prick of the needle .
5 The dismissal of Panizo was thought to be linked to expressions of anti-Japanese racism ( Fujimori himself being of Japanese descent ) and to rumours of a coup plot within the Navy .
6 ( Research and development split between the two lines — currently 50–50 — will soon tip the balance in favour of AViiON , since three years ' worth of products are expected to be squeezed out of the last round of investment in the proprietary line . )
7 The NMR structure of CsA/CyP was found to be very different from one of the proposed models of the complex , differing in the CsA orientation relative to CyP by about 90° .
8 These sorts of policies were bound to be self-defeating , as we indicated in Section 7.2.4 , since the volume of world trade contracted and therefore output and employment stagnated on an international scale .
9 9.6Kbps local dial access of all its 520 points of presence is expected to be completed by June 1994 .
10 The more distant the target completion date of the longest task or program , the heavier the weight of responsibility is felt to be .
11 16–7- Duncan McGilvray , a Deacon , who had been seen publicly in a state of intoxication was ordered to be publicly rebuked .
12 They argue that segmentation at distinct levels of description is bound to be an errorful process given the highly parallel encoding of information in the acoustic waveform .
13 On coasts of coral atolls the effects of hurricanes are shown to be significant not only to the reef morphology but also to the organisms and the total environment ( Stoddart , 1962 ) and in drainage basins in general and along river channels in particular the impact of rare floods and the time necessary for recovery has been investigated .
14 The usual aim is to carve up a constituency in such a way that first-preferences will be spread evenly between candidates whose chances of election are judged to be good .
15 Thus in 1676 an estimated 300 of the 3,000 or so communicants in the industrial parish of Sheffield were said to be Dissenters .
16 The fall of birds is meant to be seen as quite ridiculous and wholly supernatural in its proportions .
17 The presence of this second pair of cords is thought to be the secret behind the extraordinary purring mechanism that permits the animal to produce the soft , rumbling sound for minutes and even hours on end , without any effort and without opening the mouth .
18 The supply of money is assumed to be under the control of the monetary authorities and is not influenced by changes in national income or in interest rates .
19 The supply of money is assumed to be determined by government : what the government chooses it to be , or what it allows it to be by its choice of the level and method of financing the PSBR .
20 The difference , however , between The Philosophy of Money and most of the later works is that in the early book the rupture created through the rise of money is seen to be inseparable as a historical moment from its positive aspects ; that is , it is seen as representing freedom and potential equality .
21 The intuitive explanation for the negative slope of the aggregate demand curve is that a higher price implies , ceteris paribus , a lower real quantity of money in the economy since the real quantity of money is defined to be the nominal quantity of money , M , divided by the general level of prices , P 1 that is M÷P , One way in which people may respond to finding themselves with less real money than they had before is by selling off holdings of bonds to rebuild their holdings of money .
22 I wonder if the , the director plans to talk about the cri criteria we will work towards with the independent erm living fund and I wonder if we could possibly accommodate something within the criteria because I think the number of people involved needing adaptation to their home over about five thousand is fairly small but for those people it will make the difference between them being able to remain in their own home or within the community care package , a vast sum of money being needed to be spent on them to accommodate them within residential accommodation .
23 A substantial minority of shareholders is known to be opposed to a sale , feeling the company is worth at least £200 million .
24 The value of exports is assumed to be determined by factors outside the domestic circular flow and so is assumed to be exogenous in our model .
25 THE CHILL of recession is expected to be felt in today 's year end figures announced by glass giants Pilkington , with a continuing down turn in profits expected to register around £35m halved for the third year running .
26 As I understood the submission , the Attorney-General was not contending that the use of Parliamentary material by the courts for the purposes of construction would constitute an ‘ impeachment ’ of freedom of speech since impeachment is limited to cases where a Member of Parliament is sought to be made liable , either in criminal or civil proceeding , for what he has said in Parliament , e.g. , by criminal prosecution , by action for libel or by seeking to prove malice on the basis of such words .
27 And if then your Member of Parliament is chosen to be a member of the Government , he resigns his seat in Parliament .
28 The raising of taxes or the dispensing of laws without the assent of Parliament was declared to be illegal .
29 When a member of parliament was considered to be in a position to influence senior officers ' careers , he might , however , find himself offered minor patronage posts to use as he saw fit , without having to do much to seek them .
30 The length of coverage is taken to be the number of days that a case is mentioned during the search stage .
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