Example sentences of "of [noun] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1961 , it is estimated , 682,000 gallons of whisky were consumed by the French , and that was twice as much as in 1960 .
2 Pope John talked of unity being achieved through the Council .
3 Accommodation then gradually moves towards a higher level , at which the egocentricism of play is confronted with the external rules of the social game .
4 To achieve this , and to ensure that the quality of assessment is embedded in the system from the outset , a system of quality assurance and control has been established .
5 If the results of assessment are used in the ways intended and if the evidence of research and HMI findings of good practice are heeded , these children should in fact benefit , because their problems with the English language will have been identified and appropriate action can be taken to help at an early stage .
6 All other forms of assessment are included in the term coursework .
7 Its liberal hopes of progress are grounded in the beliefs that human beings individually have reconcilable goals like peace , health , and prosperity and that institutions are a human construct , not always deliberate and , once created , having effects of their own on people 's thoughts and actions .
8 This percolation of values is governed by the unification .
9 A real deformation of values is suggested by the common use of such terms as ‘ productive scholars ' ’ and ‘ ‘ scholarly output' ’ . '
10 The suggested form of creed is included at the end of the Preface , and is repeated here .
11 The small intestine was then perfused with either PES or an ORS at 0.5 ml/min for one hour to ensure steady state conditions , after which three successive 10 minute collections of effluent were made from the distal cannula .
12 A second cause of differentiation is illustrated by the way in which ‘ primordial germ cells ’ are formed in the fruitfly Drosophila .
13 A variety of opinions were aired on the matter by the politicians present , and there seemed to be a definite acknowledgement that at least some of those present held shares in Anglo United , the mother company of IBM .
14 Wellington said that the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton .
15 Whilst some time can be spent in ‘ tidying up ’ it is important that the high standards of housekeeping are maintained throughout the year and generally this is the case .
16 and one woman said that the year , nineteen twenty one she was a bride of eighteen years old and she took Good Housekeeping and she 's got the whole lot although she 's now a very old lady , and she said my first lot of housekeeping was done in a house in Wales where we had water from the well we had to build the fires up by hand we could get Welsh coal cheaply but they had to you know use paper and kindle and we swept with brooms and my life has never been easier she said I had three children in four years and my life has never been easier she said and all these modern things came in life has got more and more complicated and difficult !
17 An important body of support was secured to the alliance by the decision taken at the Annual Conference of the Co-operative Party by 2,343,000 votes to 1,547,000 to endorse the Reynolds news manifesto .
18 The original connections for the panels had been removed from the edge girders in 1951 , and a system of support was introduced for the new panels .
19 Among other parties , unexpectedly low levels of support were recorded for the Green Party ( which did , however , win seats in the Slovak National Council ) , the Socialist Party and Social Democrats .
20 From 1989 , the changing international political climate and the bad press following the murder by elements in the army of six Jesuit priests in December 1989 has led the US Congress to question more closely the level of support being given to the government of El Salvador .
21 Here the element of change is contained within a repetition of the original phrase idea .
22 Miscommunication is widespread between peasants and outsiders , whether developers or government officials , and the research will focus on how processes of change are interpreted by the parties concerned .
23 Marx 's theory of change was based on the growing contradiction that arose in society between the technological side of production and the social system with which it was associated .
24 The second part of Acts is dominated by the mission to the Gentiles , under the leadership of Paul .
25 The patch of skin was removed with a sharpened tungsten needle , a few drops of Hanks ' balanced salt solution were added to keep the wound from drying out , and the egg was then returned to the incubator .
26 All sorts of reasons are given for the lack of enthusiasm in schools for physical science and technology , but never that which might be the fundamental one .
27 A variety of reasons were proffered for the long delay in setting the seal on a deal but drummer Gary Murdoch maintains that ‘ we 've had a string of managers who did n't really know their job ’ .
28 Observation of the range of products being made in the late 1980s by Nairobi 's jua kali artisans — those who work under the ‘ hot sun ’ — confirm that Mutang'ang'i 's story is far from unique .
29 At the 1979 Annual General Meeting the members were again vocal about bondholders , this time with particular reference to the frequent incidence of bondholders being elected by the members at large , and usually without their bondholding being known , a situation not precluded by the Rules .
30 The à la volée method of dégorgement , as practised by Dom Pérignon and others , was totally inadequate for the enormous quantities of Champagne being produced in the last quarter of the nineteenth century .
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