Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 HIS betrothed vilely poisoned by the Duke , his father dead of discontent while in the same nobleman 's employment , his virtuous sister threatened with seduction by the same man 's son — 't is little wonder Vindice feels a trifle miffed .
2 He also argues that the increasing fragmentation and differentiation of the rationalized lifeworld of modernity both takes the place of ideology and at the same time makes it difficult to sustain :
3 Typical of the government 's hypocrisy , in Pink 's view , that it could bleat about the failure of exporters while at the same time putting every sort of obstacle in their path .
4 Language orders the world of perception and at the same time constitutes a knowing subject that perceives and yet is distinguished from that world .
5 The 5th generation — Expert Systems — must be seen as being applied to the first four generations of Maintenance but at the same time trying to integrate them as well .
6 Now we are changing the form of exercise but with the same principle of grasping the situation and the message from a few clues .
7 How can the right hon. Gentleman stand at the Dispatch Box and seek to justify the untrammelled entry of coal imports into Britain , which is flinging thousands of miners out of work and at the same time digging a hole for the economic morass in our balance of payments ?
8 Yeah is , what you 're saying is that on the one hand he was saying right let's have absolute equality of distribution but at the same time he quite clear that peasants .
9 How could she produce anything that bore the stamp of continuity and at the same time managed to be fresh and original ?
10 The recipes in the Walking Diet are easy to follow and quickly prepared , so that even the busiest people have a chance to cook mouth-watering food that is full of goodness and at the same time is low in fat .
11 He felt a sense of guilt but at the same time knew he could never have spoken to her anyway .
12 Only the sailing types appreciated the problems of keeping the same bit of distant coast line ahead on the same point of sailing and in the same position relative to the other boats .
13 The three novels chart an attempt to develop linguistic techniques which represent the current state of affairs and at the same time challenge it by enlisting subversive laughter as a tool to destabilize fixed systems and tear away their protective layers of discursive convention .
14 A Waiver of any breach of any terms or conditions of this appointment shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of conditions whether of the same or a different nature .
15 The Home Office is advising the police to increase the number of officers while at the same time the Department of the Environment is capping local authorities ' spending .
16 For example : in Choros he focuses attention on many ancient Greek dance rituals and accents the playful use of movement whilst at the same time showing that such warlike , athletic courtship and other activities are a wonderful game to be played by the performers .
17 Why should a receiver appointed over the property of a registered company and a receiver appointed over the property of an unregistered company under the same form of debenture and by the same debenture holder not both fall within the definition of an administrative receiver ?
18 We shall return to this issue later , but it surprised me to discover that the population of Waltham Forest needed more expenditure per head for such deprivation than that of Cleveland and about the same amount as Knowsley ; similar observations stem from the comparison of Hackney and Westminster , although this is hampered by including components referring to ILEA .
19 The notions of excellence they embody are used to fortify and legitimize the sacred and profane dimensions of authority while at the same time denoting official executants by means of appropriate insignia .
20 During February visitors came from the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences and in the same month there was an official visit by the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Ministry for State Education .
21 Because God 's home is always open , it means that we are always welcome and there is always forgiveness , God is giving us space to present himself to our hearts as a God of love but at the same time as a God who wants us to grow into his likeness .
22 The thesis of the book was that democracy could not be safeguarded by attending to political institutions alone ; a culture had also to exist among the population which combined tradition and modernity , encouraging attitudes of loyalty and respect for the institutions of government while at the same time fostering a degree of political activism .
23 It aims to use scientific method to understand the fundamental processes of biology , agriculture , the environment and economics and to apply this understanding to the sustainable management of the world 's biological resources , including the provision of food , fibre , energy and natural products , for the benefit of man while at the same time developing methods to limit , control or eliminate conflicts of interest between the welfare of mankind and the well-being of animals , plants and the environment .
24 He can not claim on the one hand to be at the heart of Europe and at the same time want to be on the periphery of Europe and seem to want us to go at a slower speed than anyone else .
25 With × 20 it is not hard to locate , somewhat to the northwest of Zeta and in the same field with it ; I can glimpse it with × 12 and suspect it with × 8.5 , though I have never been able to see it with any lower magnification .
26 Hence our preference for the terms ‘ peace ’ and ‘ peaceful ’ which embody all the advantages of markedness while at the same time better express our general position in this particular instance .
27 Neither a sociological nor a psychological type , he represents an assemblage of mental attitudes , providing a kind of vade-mecum and at the same time an ironic counterpoint to the anxieties of a public that is presumed by the book itself to have lost faith in totalizing explanations and englobing narratives .
28 David Livingstone , father of Andrew and of the same address , said his son had been at home weight training when he was supposed to be out throwing stones .
29 They clear the lawn of slugs and at the same time delight us with their presence .
30 In consequence , the Joint Contract Tribunal ( JCT ) extended their terms of reference to assume responsibility for the production of standard forms of subcontract and at the same time enlarged their membership by inviting the two main subcontractors ' organisations to become constituent bodies .
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