Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] [verb] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Someone might have heard him talking in a pub about his sudden excess of money and decided to take it off him .
2 Lady Grubb picked up her plate of junket and went to eat it in the drawing-room , shaking with a passion she did n't care to scrutinize because it contained not only fury but also amazement and fear .
3 That word ‘ proposition ’ and the look of appraisal that had accompanied it , when she recalled them , still sent shivers through her .
4 The unseemly scene on the death of Pope Adrian IV in 1159 , when , on the election of the chancellor , Roland , as Pope Alexander III , the anti-pope , Octavian ( Victor IV ) tore the scarlet papal mantle from the shoulders of Alexander and attempted to carry it off , is recorded by Alexander 's biographer , Boso .
5 The corporatist view , by perceiving the company as a unit which welds together the interests of its participants into a harmonious common purpose defined as the public good , seems to draw on the ideal of community and seeks to inject it into an area which the dominant legal ideology regulates through contract and hierarchy .
6 Malta is a party to the Montreal Convention covering the trial of terrorists and has incorporated it within its own legislation .
7 It looked as if the builder had started off with the plans of a Tudor manor house , swapped them for an Early English cathedral in mid-storey , and then suffered a total loss of confidence and tried to convert it into a Dutch barn .
8 The DIANA deputy , Kostis Stefanopoulos , had been a member of ND but had left it to form his own party after a leadership dispute with Mitsotakis in September 1985 [ see p. 34441 ] .
9 But it is good to know they have experience of farming and intend to make it a proper home and keep cattle .
10 She felt a stab of jealousy and smiled to cover it .
11 Any chance one or other of them has had an attack of conscience and decided to pay it back ? ’
12 It was noted that some staff were not aware of the whole background of questions and had found it difficult to reply to the questionnaire .
13 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
14 I sat in an armchair with a copy of Punch and pretended to read it , but my eyes kept going back to those lips and that tiny corner of pink tongue and I was in a turmoil .
15 Within a year of his appointment he had managed to sever the College from the Ministry of Education and had established it as an independent foundation with its own College Council .
16 I am indebted to husband John for pushing me into the purchase at a time I obviously needed the machine but was not very full of vim and zip to get it and learn it .
17 Last month , David Walters , 56 , former director of the Institute of Retail Studies and Professor of Retailing at Stirling , had pled guilty to defrauding the university of £14,631 and attempting to defraud it of £345 .
18 We see , for example , his debt to Hobbes , who placed great emphasis on the idea of authority and sought to detach it from the idea of consent .
19 He pulled up a piece of grass and began to chew it thoughtfully .
20 At the same time , objectively it by-passes the essence of the evolution of society and fails to pin-point it and express it adequately .
21 Alternatively , the choreographer may be inspired by a piece of music and wish to bring it to life in dance ( see page 41 ) .
22 In his account Norton claims to have arrived at the Elixir of Gold but to have had it stolen by a servant .
23 ‘ I was always looking to join a foreign company because I speak a little bit of English and wanted to practise it .
24 For , as we shall see , the topic we are about to review has many different strands , having been the subject of extensive and increasingly systematic enquiry from several different points of view that have taken it well beyond the realm of intuitive speculation from which it began .
25 Commander Abigail was not a heavy drinker , but after his gloomy morning walk he had felt the need of consolation and had found it in the Disraeli Lounge of the Queen Victoria Hotel .
26 I was surprised , for I had lost all count of time and had felt it had gone on for a week .
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