Example sentences of "of [noun] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As a consequence , the direct relationship between the cost calculation and the fixing of taxes that we have set up here is inapplicable .
2 Packet of crunchies if they 've got any .
3 He had been delighted to the point of euphoria when she had bought the Victorian clothes .
4 The same method of pultrusion as we have described for the GRP rod and tube is applied to carbon .
5 As its great historian pointed out , " French became the language of states because it had become the language of courts and aristocracies " .
6 The application of microelectronics to regulate the use of energy is , likewise , being depicted by this country 's government as a manifestation of progress since it involves harnessing advanced technology to promote efficient consumption .
7 Almost nothing has been heard of Ben since he went went missing on Kos , although a British couple claimed to have seen him in August on the island of Lesbos .
8 Has there been any kind of surprise of the amount of support that you have got ?
9 Its functional modernity struck a discordant note in a room which was otherwise cluttered with eighteenth-century furniture ; two chairs with embroidered seats , a Pembroke table , a bureau , each a fine example of its period , were strategically placed to provide an island of support if she needed to make her painful progress to the door , so that the room looked rather like an antique shop with its treasures ineptly displayed .
10 It takes a while for them to actually settle in , and they need quite a lot of support because we do work in teams and they 're quite well established teams with definite personalities .
11 In any long-standing power relationship the person or group losing each conflict must have interests which are suppressed , and either do not appear in the public realm or quickly founder for lack of support when they do materialize .
12 Mechanistic systems are unsuitable in conditions of change because they tend to deal with change by cumbersome methods .
13 We were living in a period of change and he wanted to avoid the danger of rejecting courses of action merely because they had been considered and turned down on some earlier occasion during his leadership .
14 No matter how careful I was , Dawn soon had raw patches of skin where she 'd pulled out her feathers .
15 ‘ YES , I was fired up — I always get like that when I 've had a bit of stick and I have had a lot of stick lately . ’
16 ‘ We admit there was a time when the North-East service was among the worst in the country in terms of reliability but we have had a massive turnaround of fortune . ’
17 Pope John , it is said , ‘ had not envisaged the possibility of rejection and expected a rapid and painless vote in favour of projects that he had read through and welcomed with full approval ’ ( Ratzinger Report , 1985 , p. 41 ) .
18 You 'll also find lots of leaflets available from main showrooms which tell you how much appliances cost to run , how to cut down on costs , and helpful methods of payment if you have to economise drastically .
19 Erm any bit of hope that they 've got erm i is going to be gradually eroded as far as I can see .
20 Well , my Lord the case is about the practice of solicitors and I 've pleaded upon the practice , that 's part of the statement .
21 But one thing that I would share with you and it 's this , is that whenever the friends of Jesus eat and drink together they remember him his sacrificial love for them and the wonderful gift of freedom that he has made possible .
22 The first thing you we do a range of policies and you 've picked one of our smaller ones .
23 Fourth , if , having acted according to these principles , he were subsequently challenged regarding the lawfulness of his conduct , the doctor would have the benefit of the defence of necessity if he had intervened , but if he had not intervened , he would not thereby be in breach of his duty to his patient .
24 This has been a relatively lengthy chapter of necessity and it has placed sales settings in their respective contexts .
25 The answer to that was made plain to him with a stab of dread when he ventured to peer out of his embrasure , for the tall figure was already at the top of the staircase and advancing silently and at leisure along the stone corridor .
26 I remember being podgy , no make-up , an unsmart lady but I made a lot of noise and he seemed to like that . ’
27 The leaders of the teams on the controls could see her , so she would n't have to mess around with semaphore and bits of thread like they 'd done when they left the Store .
28 The best and easiest way to ensure that you get a large range of bricks and enough of each kind of brick that you need to build and repair your body cells , is to mix the protein foods you take in at each meal .
29 I think this is clearly Miller 's main use for the character of Alfieri and he tries to make this more realistic by making Alfieri a lawyer though I do not think that this is done very well as Alfieri does not say anything which would justify him being a lawyer as all Eddie asks him are things he would have asked anyone though perhaps he asked him because he was a ‘ lawyer ’ and he respected this and knew he would get confidentiality .
30 I think that the intrusive system of inspection that we have introduced through recent Security Council resolutions is probably adequate , provided that it is vigorously enforced , to prevent the Iraqis from developing a weapon .
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