Example sentences of "of [noun] [adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The fireworks display that heralded the opening of Antwerp 93 went off like a damp squib .
2 A DP communiqué of March 11 looked forward to a time when Albanians would not " need to undertake dangerous adventures in search of a better future " .
3 It was of course first published here in the 1960s By Weidenfeld and reprinted by John Calder .
4 There are ninety nine pupils , the total staff is one hundred , of course that does not for a moment mean that er , there is one member of staff attendant on each pupil at all times , and I do n't for a moment suggest that .
5 He looked up to see the worried face of William Prime staring down at him .
6 To cancel unc to its lowest terms : Notice we neatly cross out the 18 and 27 and put above them the number of times 9 goes in to each .
7 If they do n't , one should dismiss the idea of cars unable to get out of the garage as sensational rubbish-mongering .
8 We have encouraged those who introduced local management of schools first to look again at their schools , and to ensure that the right balance exists between the funding of secondary schools and that of primary schools .
9 The bridge is also sensitive and highly accurate for finding the loss of a capacitor or inductor from the value of R 1 indicated by at balance .
10 The editorial in the Times of February 1971 appeared just before the debate in Parliament referred to and was specifically mentioned by one MP in that debate , which was dominated by the subject of television .
11 Among other provisions in the accounts is a sum of £125 million put aside for environmental work at sites used for gasworks made redundant by the arrival of North Sea gas in the late 1960s .
12 Despite the government 's resolution of Aug. 11 to pay up to 12,000 roubles per tonne for standard quality grain in an attempt to persuade producers to sell to the state , only a quarter of the target figure for state reserves had been delivered by mid-August .
13 The country 's budget of £4 million for bus services in 1993–4 is exceeded by its education services budget of £5.5 million used partly for local bus service contracts and partly for purchasing seats on commercially run buses .
14 His paper of January 1856 turned out to be only the beginning of a long argument about the need to abolish serfdom in order to put the Russian army on a sounder footing .
15 For any given cut into the cliff by the sea ( AB on Fig. 8.6 ) the amount of debris liable to collapse on to the beach will be proportional to the height of the cliff .
16 What we have here is the untarnished pop of Pet Shop Boys mixed with the stylish swish of Pixies and the expertise of REM all rounded off with the insane power of a contemporary Wagner .
17 A series of observations first put together by Gillett is perhaps nearer our subject .
18 The National Land Fund , we discovered from a reluctant Treasury press officer , stood at £17 million , but the income from the capital was subject to an expenditure ceiling of £2 million divided equally between the Department of the Environment and the Department of Education and Science .
19 According to the Bush administration , the war was estimated to have cost about $50,000 million , most of which was expected to be offset by contributions of $36,000 million made recently by Japan , Saudi Arabia and Kuwait .
20 It may be a cliché , but the compactness , the lack of weight , abundance and responsiveness of power , massively powerful brakes and rigidity of suspension all add up to a car that feels very much like a big kart .
21 The proportion of all cases of trisomy 21 diagnosed cytogenetically before birth rose from 321/1077 ( 30% ) in 1989 to 423/1115 ( 38% ) in 1991 .
22 That 's what makes us significant , three very different kinds of people able to work together in a band . ’
23 In the Ixcán region of Quiché province , the army has permitted the re-establishment of co-operatives first set up in the 1970s .
24 There could be millions of them — hundreds of millions — thousands of millions of stars all swallowed up in the one hole . ’
25 Hayward and his collaborators are among those to have reported this discovery in ANAS ( vol 79 , p 7842 ) ; they , and a collaborative team led by Bob Gallow of the US National Institutes of Health and Carlo Croce of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia , have shown that the myc gene is strategically placed at the breakpoint where the translocated fragment of chromosome 8 links up with chromosome 14 in lymphoma cells .
26 He 's reckoned to have a minimum of $50 million put aside for an incredibly rainy day .
27 The question mark at the end of line 4 refers back to ‘ with whom ? ’ 'No vicissitude can find' is therefore a statement of fact , implying a pagan , not a Christian attitude .
28 Following the recommendation of its armed services committee , the Senate passed a defence bill by 79 votes to 16 on Aug. 4 , which imposed deep cuts , amounting to $18,000 million , in the defence budget request of $307,000 million put forward by Bush for fiscal 1991 ( beginning October 1990 ) .
29 At the end of 1204 Otto 's brother , the Count Palatine Henry , the landgrave of Thuringia , the king of Bohemia , Adolf , archbishop of Cologne , and the duke of Brabant all went over to Philip , mainly inspired by their own self-interests .
30 For a second she blacked out , not from pain but from the shock of it all , and when she opened her eyes she was looking into a sea of faces all staring down at her .
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