Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] for [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 Now if you calculate how much the final value of £1 saved for 93 years is , you find it is only worth £1,103 in 1900 prices assuming an average of 6% inflation .
2 At 39 Castle Street , the author of Waverley lived for twenty-four years and wrote many of his famous novels .
3 First performed in 1946 this series of concerts ran for 37 years , earning an entry in the Guinness Book of Records .
4 Perhaps for this reason the law in several areas of censorship has for many years remained quietly in the background , yet with an extensive array of legislation to be respected and always at its disposal .
5 In October 1685 Louis XIV of France revoked the Edict of Nantes , under which the protestants of France had for ninety years enjoyed freedom of worship and full civil rights .
6 In the election campaign , the Conservatives had made much of ‘ setting the people free ’ of the planners , and of making the nationalised industries more ‘ businesslike ’ and ‘ commercial ’ , but the reality of controls remained for some years , as indeed was inevitable given the physical limits of a national cake whose size was fixed in the short term .
7 The legislature ( Fono ) consists of an 18-member Senate elected for four years by Matai ( traditional clan leaders ) , and a popularly elected House of Representatives elected for two years .
8 Under the Federal Constitution which came into force in 1901 , legislative authority within the Commonwealth of Australia is vested in a bicameral Federal Parliament consisting of the Senate whose 76 members ( 12 from each of the country 's constituent states and two each for the Northern Territory and the Capital Territory of Canberra ) are directly elected for a six-year term and retire by rotation , one-half from each state on June 30 of each third year ; and the 148-member House of Representatives elected for three years ; each state has its own legislature , government and constitution .
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