Example sentences of "and [that] [pron] [vb past] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 According to second-hand reports of the conversation Krishchaty said that the body was lying on the ground at about 8,250m and that they had passed it two or three times .
2 No matter that it had been police business , and that someone had to do it , he had personally selected Phyllis Henley yesterday .
3 Just been to a friend 's house and he 's given me a nice cup of tea and a little drop of brandy and that I did enjoy it
4 He said his lawyer had persuaded him to contest his father 's will and that he 'd regretted it ever since .
5 Contemporary reaction to this magnificent poem is typified by a critic in The Monthly Review in 1763 who thought he knew that Smart was forbidden the use of writing materials in the asylum and that he had written it ‘ with the end of a key , upon the wainscot ’ .
6 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
7 It never occurred to him that the story was questionable , that Wainfleet had deliberately published something he did not totally believe and that he had done it in retaliation for being humiliated .
8 Her mother had once remarked that it was her opinion that Harry had actually caused Nathan 's idiocy in a fit of temper soon after he was born , and through whispered gossip over the years she had guessed that Tristram had become the focus of conflict between his parents and that he had found it increasingly necessary to defend both Nathan and his mother against his father 's violent outbursts of temper .
9 I felt that George was tired of Lennie 's stupidness but he knew that Lennie could n't help it and that he had to withstand it .
10 He said it contained his own private cargo and that he wanted to unload it himself .
11 A MAN told police that a block of cannabis found in his mother 's freezer was his and that he intended to supply it to others , Darlington magistrates heard yesterday .
12 And that she had made it perfectly clear that , to her , fidelity and trust meant more than just nothing — meant everything , in fact .
13 Both that she should know ( had he told her ? ) and that she wanted to discuss it .
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