Example sentences of "and [that] [pron] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 She said that nothing of the sort would ever happen in her country , that the British are quite civilized , thank you , and that they make the rest of the world seem simply barbaric .
32 Egg producers must recognise that they are competing in the sophisticated food industry of the late 1980s and that they have a responsibility to the consumer .
33 The fact remains , however , that they have a contribution to make to the community and that they have a right to our services .
34 The right hon. Gentleman has said that those forms were filled in arbitrarily and that they have no substance .
35 What was clearly stated was that the police have now powers as such to ban an event , unless it can be shown to be a public nuisance , and that they have no desire to fall out with all the local charities .
36 ‘ But we must try and see them — if only to let them know that we 're here , in the States , and that they have no need to worry about Emma and Sophie . ’
37 The end result of this case is that the police have a power to enter and search any premises for the purpose of recapturing a person unlawfully at large , provided he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is on those premises ( s. 17(1) ( d ) & ( 2 ) of PACE and that they have the power to use reasonable force in effecting entry and arresting the person sought ( s.117 of PACE ) .
38 On my experience dealing with people is however forgetful they get you know nursing homes or residential homes or whatever and they ca n't really remember from one corresponding conversation to the next they still remember that they 've got two children and that they own a bank account .
39 While it is true that by the turn of the century both middle and working class women were profoundly affected by the gospel of maternalism preached by the medical profession , imperialists and politicians , it is also possible to find examples of straightforward resistance to physicians both on the grounds that they encouraged middle class women to lead idle lives and that they posed a threat to female modesty .
40 The sparrows alone , with their urchin adaptability , have found their snow legs , and know already that today the street-bottoms are as safe as the air and that they run no danger from dog or bicycle .
41 It soon became evident that the thiazides had an antihypertensive effect of their own and that they augmented the effect of most other antihypertensive drugs .
42 First , it is important to check that information about Compact jobs is getting to those young people who are entitled to apply for them , and that they understand the nature of their entitlement .
43 If the acquirer 's solicitors are to prepare the agreement , it is very important that they are fully informed as to the acquirer 's aims and concerns about the acquisition and its assessment of its bargaining position and that they discuss the draft with the acquirer before it is released to the seller .
44 Every album has its own geographical kind of fantasy scene that exists in my head and that one had a lot of them .
45 Experience had taught them that nothing alienated support within their districts more swiftly than bombs which killed or injured Roman Catholics and that nothing reduced the inflow of money from Irish American sympathisers more drastically .
46 When I went to the Royal Courts of Justice , the judge knew what he was going to give me , and I got three years ' probation , on condition that I stay at the hostel for a year and that I attend a day centre .
47 And that I had the nerve and the cheek , the audacity to be tired at fifteen years of age i i it it it was n't possible .
48 And that I bring a friend . ’
49 I just want someone to know that this — all this stuff — has been a burden and nothing but a burden from start to finish , and that I feel no twinge of regret at coming out of that place , and that I shall never go back into it , ever , so help me Frederica Potter .
50 The official told me that the form was not enough and that I needed a letter from my dad saying he lived alone .
51 It was quite a shock to be told that I had Cancer and that I needed an operation as soon as possible .
52 I do not propose to say more at this stage , except that I wholly accept the evidence of the surgeon as to the desperate nature of this situation , and that I grant the declaration as sought , which will include provision for the necessary consequential treatment in addition to the Caesarean operation .
53 I think that Saddam Hussein is much less potent than he was , but I accept that it is a brutal regime and that it poses a threat to world peace .
54 However , in O'Reilly v. Mackman Lord Diplock argued that the present procedural regime for AJRs is more advantageous to applicants than that under the pre-1978 version of Ord. 53. and that it strikes a sound balance between the interests of applicants and respondents .
55 Ziegler ( 1978 ) , in his discussion of the Mass Observation records on the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 , records that the two most commonly cited reasons for supporting the coronation were that it created wealth and that it united the nation .
56 It is possible that it could have been left with the registry in this office and that it reached the case file as a result , but I can not be sure .
57 ‘ We realised that the whole psychology of collecting is a fascinating area and that it had a lot more potential … hence the reason for the Festival .
58 Mr Fitton yesterday made clear that he had always been acting in an independent capacity in the offer for Eagle , and that it had no connection with Braithwaite .
59 The declaration proclaimed further that the Russian people had the sole right to own , utilize and dispose of Russia 's natural wealth ; that the RSFSR had the right to form its own diplomatic links with other Soviet republics and foreign states ; and that it had the right to participate in the exercise of powers which it had voluntarily passed to the Union .
60 Propaganda actions , such as Christmas sales of excess butter , failed to stop the complaints about the policy : that it tended to help large farms , which could adopt intensive production methods , rather than the needy ; that it distorted world markets and upset the US , which threatened a trade war with the EC over CAP in 1986 — 7 ; and that it harmed the environment by encouraging the use of chemical fertilisers .
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