Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I knew before I started out that , weatherwise , the end of March is not the time to plan a journey to the Islands and my misgiving proved to be well founded as on Tuesday 23 March I found myself in the lounge at Dalcross Airport , Inverness watching gale force winds sweep snow across the runways .
2 ‘ I take half the coke and my boy gets to be water boy for the Flamingoes and sit on the bench . ’
3 A musician can fool himself and say , ‘ Yeah , I 'm doing great because I 'm getting all these write-ups and my career seems to be looking good , ’ but what it boils down to is what you 're actually doing — whether or not you 're breaking any new ground in music .
4 Is that what it is– ’ Or if I was to see the doctor and my girlfriend happened to be seeing the doctor as well , this was just an excuse , according to them , for us to be together .
5 The house and its occupants seemed to be closing in on her .
6 In the case of the Shipbuilding Engineering and Repairing Bill in 1976 , it was not appreciated until the Bill was well under way that it was , by reason of naming the firms to be affected in a schedule , a hybrid Bill and its passage had to be deferred in order that the above procedures could be gone through .
7 Fischetti says a phage infection and its toxin seem to be mundane ; the toxin may be a mere waste product that happens to damage human cells .
8 The charcoal-grey cartridge paper is a standard product , widely used , easy to use in the ways described - for example it can be fixed to walls with Blu-Tack - and its performance appears to be adequate .
9 Men die to win democracy for their countries , which after a while is taken grudgingly ; and its practitioners come to be seen as less skilled , worthy and entertaining than the aristocrats of sport .
10 While the passing of the law ended weeks of debate , some aspects were left unclear and its implementation remained to be decided by the government .
11 His knowledge of Scotland , its people , and its countryside proved to be invaluable when talking about whisky and from an early age he became an acknowledged and accomplished voice of the industry .
12 A semantic net lends itself to graphic display , and its meaning tends to be intuitively , if not formally , clear .
13 Her face was oval , and her expression seemed to be constantly challenging .
14 She was a longstanding institution in the place and her shortcomings tended to be overlooked because she looked after an elderly invalid mother at home and everyone wondered how she managed her dual responsibilities .
15 She would not allow the manacle to be removed , and her word had to be obeyed .
16 Nevertheless , her life 's achievements in floral anatomy are considered the greatest effort since the early pioneering work sixty years previously , and her papers continue to be heavily cited .
17 And yet , to many British people and social groups , the Prime Minister and her colleagues appeared to be not moderates but extremists .
18 Having seen him , she found it impossible to drag her eyes away from him , and her pulse seemed to be racing at twice its normal rate , making a complete nonsense of her breathing control .
19 Mrs Hughes married after she retired 50 years later and her husband lived to be 103 .
20 Also , while unpaid volunteers have much to offer , and their work deserves to be commended , long-term commitment is sometimes improved if the befriender is paid for the hours of ‘ companionship ’ work as well as being reimbursed for travelling and related expenses .
21 The bourgeois women consider it flash to appear too attractive : they scorn make-up , their haircuts are severe , and their clothes tend to be dark green or beige .
22 However , some horses require a lot of grain , like brood mares and working horses , and their feed needs to be carefully and knowledgeably managed .
23 ‘ Fans are the livelihood of the game and their views need to be sought constantly .
24 The ‘ society-as-parent ’ school is further illustrated by quoting from respondents interviewed by the author , though fewer of these took this position than were committed to a ‘ defence of kinship ’ view and their views tended to be less strongly and less explicitly-stated .
25 In contrast , in the public sector workers are instructed to perform certain tasks under direct control , and their performance has to be monitored to ensure compliance .
26 Before putting themselves forward for selection , potential candidates and their families need to be aware of the foreign country 's environment — for instance its language(s) , climate and culture , its housing and education facilities , what security is like , and where they will be living and working .
27 Erm and their approach seems to be where we 're not going to be able to get our budget through .
28 Their coats had to shine like satin , and their harness had to be in as good condition as possible .
29 He observed that the fossils were found in areas populated by both deciduous and coniferous forests , and their beaks seemed to be suited to browsing on trees and shrubs .
30 But , whatever its theoretical explanation , the habituation procedure has direct behavioural consequences and their role needs to be considered before we are obliged to accept the suggestion that latent inhibition implies the operation of mechanisms other than those involved in habituation .
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