Example sentences of "and [vb mod] [be] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Such relaxations are considered on the merits of the particular case and may be influenced by any alternative provisions being made for the protection of the building .
2 Compaq Computer Corp says it expects its move into direct sales to generate up to 10% of its US revenues this year , and may be expanded to some foreign markets later this year : total US sales amounted to about $1,700m in 1992 , Compaq said .
3 Copies of these publications are well worth obtaining as permanent additions to personal libraries , and may be supported by such articles as : ‘ The Population of Elizabethan England ’ by E.E .
4 Capacitors greater than 10,000µF ) are OK and may be used in this position .
5 The other attributes are optional and may be entered in any order .
6 They do not have to be repaid and may be awarded to those leaving hospital or residential care , or to help people to continue to live in the community rather than enter such care .
7 And the potency of that design resides , Foucault ( 1979 p 205 ) claimed , in that : " … [ it ] is a diagram of a mechanism of power reduced to its ideal form ; its functioning , abstracted from any obstacle , resistance or friction must be represented as a pure architectural or optical system : it is in fact a figure of political technology that " may and must be detached from any specific use .
8 ‘ Nevertheless , these are serious breaches and must be treated as such .
9 The record is spasmodic and must be treated as such .
10 The relationships crossing this terrain take specific forms in specific societies and must be analysed in that context .
11 The contract is still in force and must be completed by both parties .
12 Whilst some details should be rethought in the light of new technology , its basic ideas still remain sound and must be implemented in any design and manufacturing establishment .
13 However , in the case of Lord Inchrya the payments to the beneficiary were of a periodical nature and although made out of capital ( see however Stevenson v Wishart 59 TC 740 ) were payments of income and must be taxed as such .
14 But where the qualification is the doing of something of value to the seller , and where the qualification only suffices for one sale and must be reacquired before another sale , I find it hard to regard the repeated acquisitions of the qualification as anything other than parts of the consideration for the sales .
15 They also heard the chairman of the STUC energy committee , Harry McLevy , spell out the grounds for continued investment , arguing that the case for nuclear power is so big it can not be ignored and must be incorporated into any energy policy for Scotland. ,
16 To qualify for copyright protection a work of art must be original and must be realised in some medium or form of expression .
17 Then and must be reduced by this amount , which will leave one of them at zero .
18 The SPR identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and must be supplied in all future references to this SPR .
19 The SSR identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and must be supplied in all future references to this SSR .
20 For these people , work is essential and must be retained at all costs .
21 They require urgent attention by the C E C and must be addressed before any talks are conducted with the T & g .
22 I think the thing that sort of has really bugged me righ right from the start of this thing was that when this when the Financial Services Act was put before Parliament , everybody was told the Gower Report and everything said pensions are the same as assets , all your assets and must be protected as such .
23 For its part , a Bill of Rights insists that certain rights , privileges , and liberties are basic and must be afforded to all individuals notwithstanding what transient governments might wish to do .
24 P45 — This form is in triplicate and must be handed to all employees leaving a firm .
25 While a moving-coil meter does not exhibit any steady deflection when sinusoidal current passes through it and must be preceded by some form of rectifying circuit before it can register such current , other forms of meter exist that respond usefully by themselves to sinusoidal current .
26 To recognise where a reform is urgently required and must be effected at any cost , or where it may be postponed , or where it may be counted on to effect itself without outside influence , and , perhaps most important of all , to be able to recognise the fact that certain reforms would be beneficial could they be effected but that it is not possible to effect them at all ; to be able to arrive at a right decision on such points as these is what is chiefly required of a Resident .
27 Thus the spreading of the turbulence at the interface involves the action of viscosity and must be effected by those eddies for which viscosity is significant ; i.e. the small eddies .
28 Whether an employee is too ill to continue his job and should be transferred to another more suitable job or simply dismissed may be a very difficult question for the employer .
29 Such a notion is utterly false and should be exposed as such .
30 Some Christians claim that the Nature miracles are simple stories of what Jesus did and should be accepted as such .
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